گاؤں میں نمازِ جمعہ کی شرعی حیثیت: عصر حاضر کے تناظر میں
The legal status of Friday prayers in the village: in the context of the present
legitimacy, friday prayers, village, reformed, jurispraudenueAbstract
the status of fridayprayers in the vikkage in the context of the present. seventy percent of the population of pakistan belongs to the life of those who are suffering from economic and cultural backwordness and are also in a very precarious situation in term of satwar darpi. how to confarm then to the pure shariah and how to save them from ravarges of plolytheism. the are bothering every suffering muslim scholar, friday prayers is a key to bring the villagers closorto the reigion, in the light of negative jurispraudenue that is prevalent in india and pakistan, friday prayers are not permissible in the village but with other imam,it is permissible undercertain conditions,in order to curb the spread of irreligion in the villages, a fatwashould be issued on the opinion of other imams, and three will be no search.this is not the first times, that qazi ul qaza allama makhdoom muhammad hashim of sindh has given permission for friday prayers in many village and in the light of his statement. friday prayers are still being hold in the villages of sindh, the religious situation in the villages is unsettiled and tme demands that a fatwa be issued on the legitimacy of friday prayers in the village so that the iron, which has friday sermons and advice can be reformed.