التوجيهات الدعوية في كتب الشيخ أبي الحسن علي الندوي رحمه الله

Analytical review of literary and invitational aspects in the works and speeches of Abul Hasan Ali Al Nadwi


  • Ghufran Ul Haq Khatib DHA karachi
  • Dr. Abdul Naseer Lecturer Department of Islamic studies University of Malakand
  • Dr. Sami Ul Haq . Chairman Islamic Studies Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal, Dir(Upper)


Shaykh Abu al-Hasan Ali al-Nadwi, kids, children, literature, invitation


Literature is the best way for a person to interpret his conscience in a good way. Literature is viewed with admiration in society and in all nations, as if it is another name for presenting inner feelings and heartfelt moods in the form of poetry, prose and writing in the best style and style.As well as being the word of God, the Qur'an is adorned with all the genres and features of literature, but it is a source of literature in which all the corners of the art of literature and all the steps of eloquence and eloquence are present. This same literary miracle of the Holy Qur'an not only astonished the eloquent Arabs and eloquent writers, but also challenged them. When the Almighty sent the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to the field of da'wah, he bestowed upon him treasures of eloquence and eloquence which are difficult to find in the Arabian Peninsula and the descendants of Adnan: "بعثت بجوامع الکلم ، ونصرت بالرّعب، فبینا أنا نائم أتیت بمفاتیح خزائن الأرض، فوضعت فی یدی"۔
That I have been sent with comprehensive words, and I have been helped with terror. I was in a state of semi-consciousness when the treasures of the lands were brought and placed in my hands. It has been the practice and method of the Prophets to carry out the work of Da'wah in a literary manner. In a literary manner, the message can be conveyed to the addressees in a very easy, useful and efficient manner. The scholars of the Ummah have also adopted the same style. Shaykh Abu al-Hasan Ali al-Nadwi (may Allaah have mercy on him) was a religious scholar, a great writer and a great preacher. His speeches and writings are a masterpiece of literary invitation. He chose literature and invitation for literature. His speeches, writings and lectures are full of literary invitations, which have played an effective role in the field of invitation and the future. Will also continue to perform. Below is an analytical review of the da'wah and literary aspects in the books and speeches of Nadwi (may Allah have mercy on him).




How to Cite

Ghufran Ul Haq, Dr. Abdul Naseer, & Dr. Sami Ul Haq . (2021). التوجيهات الدعوية في كتب الشيخ أبي الحسن علي الندوي رحمه الله: Analytical review of literary and invitational aspects in the works and speeches of Abul Hasan Ali Al Nadwi. Al-Azhār, 7(01). Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/55


