Arabic Poetry Quotes in Tafseeer-e-Mazhari of Qazi Sana ul Allah Pani Pathi


  • Dr. Shafiq al-Rehman
  • Muhammad Ashraf


Arabic Poetry, Quotes, Tafseeer-e-Mazhari, Qazi Sana ul Allah, Pani Pathi


Qazi Sanaullah Pani Pathi, though, has not explicitly described his method of tafseer against the existing practice of mufasareen, his style of Tafseer is original. This sterling quality of his tafseer is noticed especially when he is explaining the verses of the Quran related to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He describes the seerah of the Prophet (PBUH) with devotion, love and literarily rich language. While describing the prophet’s (PBUH) greatness, distinction, morality and the liftiest status as a prophet, he punctuates the text with Arabic poetic verses in a striking way which seems to be rare in other tafaseer. Such frequent references to poetry reflect his great literary taste. When he derives examples and quotes from the poetry of Jahilya times of Arabs, he channelized all types (these types have been classified by researchers in the field: historic reference, lexicographic (meaning) references, syntactic references, grammatical references, phonetic references, literary references and compound or multi-dimensional references ) of references to Arabic poetry found in Quaranic disciplines and tafaseer. None of the references made to poetry lies beyond the said classification.




How to Cite

al-Rehman, D. S., & Ashraf, M. (2021). Arabic Poetry Quotes in Tafseeer-e-Mazhari of Qazi Sana ul Allah Pani Pathi. Al-Azhār, 6(2), 63–79. Retrieved from


