امام مسلمؒ  اور نقدِ داخلی (کتاب التمییز کا انتقادی جائزہ)

Imam Muslim and the contextual Critique ( A Critical Analysis of Kitab ut Tameyyeez)


  • Noor Ur Rehman Hazarvi Ph.D Scholar Faculty of Usuluddin, Department of Hadith, International Islamic University Islamabad
  • Muhammad Imran   Assistant Professor, Shaikh Zayed Islamic Centre University of Peshawar  
  • Syed Naeem Badshah Postdoctoral Researcher ,IRI, Islamabad


Apparently, orientalist, liberal, minded Muslims, critique


Apparently the orientalist and liberal minded Muslims undr their sway raise this objection that the critique of Hadith scholars is limited to external critique alone. In external critique, the authentication of narration is focussed and Hadith has been divided into three categories on this basis i.e. sahih (credible), Hasan (acceptable) and zaeef (weak) whereas the internal Critique I e. The contextual critique is the least  considered. It's main reason is either lack of awareness or malafied/intentional ignorance. The brief summary of Imam Muslim's Kitab ut Tameyyeez which consists of only 25 Hadith cites as many as 11 examples of internal Critique, 11 instances of both internal and external critique and barely three citations of exclusively  external critique. This testifies that the Hadith scholars' main focus has been on the internal critique by and large. This article offers a critical survey of the Hadith having been scrutinized under the lens of internal critique.




How to Cite

Noor Ur Rehman Hazarvi, MuhammadImran , & Syed Naeem Badshah. (2023). امام مسلمؒ  اور نقدِ داخلی (کتاب التمییز کا انتقادی جائزہ): Imam Muslim and the contextual Critique ( A Critical Analysis of Kitab ut Tameyyeez). Al-Azhār, 9(01), 187–205. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/458


