An Evaluation of Life and Works of Prof. Preshan Khattak


  • Dr. Muhammad Ali Dinakhel Lecturer, Area Study Centre (Russia, China & Central Asia) University of Peshawar.
  • Dr. Noor Ul Basar Aman Assistant Professor, Department of Pashto, University of Malakand.
  • Dr. Zafarullah Bakhshali Assistant Prof. Department of Pashto, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan.


Ppoetry, Preshan Khattak, Pashtun history, Pashtunwali, Pashtun culture.


Prof. Preshan Khattak wrote four books in Pashto including two of his poetry books and eight books in Urdu language mostly related to Pashto language, literature, Pashtun history and Pashtunwali. He also remained in prison for three times on various reasons where he wrote his revolutionary and historical poetry. He was an embodiment of Pashtunwal. Regarding the origin of Pashtuns, he was of the opinion that Pashtuns are a culture group made up of various ethnic groups combined by Pashto language and Pashtunwali. Thi article attempts to highlight his literary works and achievements in life as well as his views regarding Pashtuns and Pashtunwali.






How to Cite

Dr. Muhammad Ali Dinakhel, Dr. Noor Ul Basar Aman, & Dr. Zafarullah Bakhshali. (2023). An Evaluation of Life and Works of Prof. Preshan Khattak. Al-Azhār, 9(01), 29–41. Retrieved from


