شرعی احکام کی اقسام اور فقہی نقطہ نظر سے اعمال و افعال کی درجہ بندی

Types of Shari'ah rulings, and the Classification of actions and functions from a jurisprudential point of view


  • Mufti Dilawar Khan Lecturer (The University of Lahore, Sargodha Campus)
  • Hafiz Sajjad Haider Haidery lecturer: the university of Lahore, Sargodha Campus.  
  • Dr Hafiz Muhammad Haussain. Assistant Professor and HoD Department of Islamic studies. University of Lahore, Sargodha Campus


Keywords: Ahkaam(orders)Shariah, Azimat” Rukhsat”







         Laws described in Islamic Shariah are related to many things, some of these laws are compulsory and relate to things that must always be performed or acted upon while some of these relate to thing that should be avoided at all costs. Jurists have described two types of ahkam e shariah; one is “Azimat” and second one is “Rukhsat”    Azimat has a very high reward and then there are some laws in which Shariah has granted relaxation if there is a genuine excuse and if such types are not obliged with at that time and are acted upon later when there is an ease in executing them then that is totally allowed these are called Rukhsat. In the start of this article I have described various types and meaning of words “Hukam”, “Shariah”, “Hukam Sharaee” and have also described “Ilm-e-Sharaee”. Have also described literal & technical meanings of word “Azimat” and its types. There is also some details on which laws/orders in Shariah are “Farz”, “Wajib” ,” Sunnat”, “Nafl”, “Mubah” and “Makrooh” and then literal and technical meaning of “Rukhsat” are also detailed.     

     This is a prerequisite for every Muslim to be aware of the status of the laws/orders of Shariah that are imposed on him. What is rightful for him and will elevate his/her status in the sight of Allah and what is forbidden or has some relaxation for him so that he does not commit a sin and fall in the category of sinner.






How to Cite

Mufti Dilawar Khan, Hafiz Sajjad Haider Haidery, & Dr Hafiz Muhammad Haussain. (2023). شرعی احکام کی اقسام اور فقہی نقطہ نظر سے اعمال و افعال کی درجہ بندی: Types of Shari’ah rulings, and the Classification of actions and functions from a jurisprudential point of view. Al-Azhār, 9(01), 120–160. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/441


