مغرب میں عورت کی آزادی اور مساوات

Women's freedom and equality in the west


  • Bushra Jabeen PhD Scholar ,Department of Islamic Studies ,NUML, Islamabad
  • Summya Rafiq Assistant Professor,Department of Islamic Studies,NUML,Islamabad


This article identifies women freedom and gender equality in West. A
comparative study of women’s rights in Islam and West is the need of the hour
to determine the best way out for women’s right. The article covers Islamic
texts talk about gender equality in the main sources of Islam. This article
features what Islam – through the Quran and the Hadith – in fact prescribes in
regard to gender equality and women's human rights.
West, which professes to be the standard-bearer of women’s right,
but women of west had no status until a couple of decades ago. The philosophy
of equality was developed after industrial revolution when women confronted
disparities in employments and compensation in western society; at first they
brought their voice up in economic sector and afterward expanded this
philosophy of equality in other fields of life. Western philosophy of equality
demands social and economic uniformity for a woman out of the spirit of
democracy ،free sex and no marriage. The fundamental concepts of rights in
West and Islam are similar to some extents, these includes the right to
education, the right to employment, the right to vote and their right to have
and express their own opinions but Islam’s rules always accord with nature of
man and woman and take into consideration their inherent differences, on
other hand Western equality promoted promiscuous society which resulted
perilous consequences on society.
Islam from its very inception has given more than the West is
demanding for a woman today and it is still flexible to adjust woman in society
with the changing time and needs. Islam says that both the genders will be
equally rewarded for their good deeds inside their separate fields assigned to
them according to their biological difference. The fundamental values of Islam
arguably promote and honor the position of women in society and have
guaranteed men and women their human rights and duties as individuals in an
equal degree.




How to Cite

Bushra Jabeen, & Summya Rafiq. (2019). مغرب میں عورت کی آزادی اور مساوات: Women’s freedom and equality in the west. Al-Azhār, 5(01), 1–27. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/425


