اسلام اور شعر اقبال میں عورت کی مختلف حیثیات
A discussion on the different capacities of women as described in Islam and the poetry of Iqbal
Iqbal, women position and status, concepts, Islam, respect, purity, statues of women in detailAbstract
Allama Muhammad Iqbal has presented universal concepts regarding the various positions and statues of women.
And in the Islamic context, the respect and purity of women is highlighted. In his poetry, he addresses fundamental questions about women in the light of the true natural and imitative teachings of Islam. Therefore, Fiqr-e-iqbal gives clear and consoling answers in this regard. This article, tries to present Iqbal’s universal concepts regarding the status of women in detail.
How to Cite
D.Robina Yasmeen, Nuzhat Rauf, & Dr. Nasreen Amin. (2022). اسلام اور شعر اقبال میں عورت کی مختلف حیثیات: A discussion on the different capacities of women as described in Islam and the poetry of Iqbal. Al-Azhār, 8(02), 44–54. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/416