9/11: Unending Agony for Pakistan Examining Pre and Post 9/11 US-Pakistan relations


  • Nazir Ahmed Kasi Assistant Professor, Pakistan Study Centre University of Balochistan, Quetta.
  • Dr. Saman Salah Assistant Professor, Department of English, SBK Women’s University, Quetta.
  • Dr. Noor Ul Amin Associate Professor of Pakistan Studies, Islamia College University Peshawar


Pakistan, US, Pre and Post 9/11, Relations



The present research seeks to explore Pak-US relations under the umbrella of pre and post 9/11incident. This paper follows a qualitative research design with an exploratory and interpretative approach. Whether the soviet war, the cold wars or 9/11 incident, Pakistan US relations have been tied since independence of Pakistan 1947.The Pak-US relation, no doubt remains very important since independence of Pakistan till present as United States of America was the first country to have bilateral ties. After its inception in 1947, Pakistan required economic support from the US. Pakistan not only received economic support but social and political as well; however, this relation was much on economic and military bases. The terrible incident of 9/11resulted in Pakistan’s participation in fighting the war against terrorism, thus making Pakistan an ally for the US.  US offered a treaty to Pakistan to join in “war against terror”. The US-Pakistan relations were healthy till the incidents that happened in 2011which put Pakistan into mysterious situation towards this relation. The discussion comes up with the conclusion that Pak US relation have gone through various ups and downs however both need to stay grounded for their mutual interests.





How to Cite

Nazir Ahmed Kasi, Dr. Saman Salah, & Dr. Noor Ul Amin. (2022). 9/11: Unending Agony for Pakistan Examining Pre and Post 9/11 US-Pakistan relations. Al-Azhār, 8(02), 23–30. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/408


