خیر المفا تیح شرح مشکٰوۃ المصابیح : منہج و اسلوب کاتجزیاتی مطالعہ

The Styles and Methodology of Khair ul Mufatih: An Analytical Study


  • Ayesha Shabbir Lecturer GCWU, Sialkot
  • Dr. Aqsa Lecturer GCWU, Sialkot
  • Dr. Sumera Rabia Assistant Professor GCWU, Sialkot


Analytical Study, Mishkaat-ul-Masabeeh, Khair ul Mafatih, Sihah Sitta, Methodology


The knowledge of hadith is a vast knowledge. Mostly all the hadiths of Sihah Sitta sums up in the "Mishkaat-ul-Masabeeh". Many interpretations of Mishkaat-ul-Masabeeh have been written in the subcontinent. In view of the importance and position of Mishkaat-ul-Masabeeh, the scholars of the Ummah have arranged its Arabic, Persian and Urdu interpretations in every era. The Urdu Sharh of Mishkaat-ul-Masabeeh "Khair ul Mafatih" is also a link of the same chain. Maulana Mufti Abdul Rasheed Sahib is the author of "Khair ul Mafatih" and consists of six volumes. The main feature of Khair ul Mafatih is that it is a detailed research phase of Mishkaat-ul-Masabeeh. The reason for choosing it is that it has been chosen in a very simple and easy way. In this article, the purpose of this research is to explain the style and characteristics of the Ahadith described in Sharh Khair ul Mafatih of Mishkawat-ul-Masabih in a narrative and reasoned manner. The reason for doing research on Khair ul Mafatih is that the author has clarified the difficult words of the Holy Hadith. Through question and answer, he has made difficult researches easier. He has deduced new and legal issues. The religions of the jurists have been explained with arguments. The author has described the brief situations of the hadith narrators. He has made headings and paragraphs in the detailed topic. This rate is more comprehensive than other explanations.





How to Cite

Ayesha Shabbir, Dr. Aqsa, & Dr. Sumera Rabia. (2022). خیر المفا تیح شرح مشکٰوۃ المصابیح : منہج و اسلوب کاتجزیاتی مطالعہ: The Styles and Methodology of Khair ul Mufatih: An Analytical Study. Al-Azhār, 8(02), 22–43. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/394


