CPEC and the duty of preaching and inviting people to Allah

CPEC and the duty of preaching and inviting people to Allah


  • Dr.Syed Naeem Badshah Chairman Agriculture University Peshawar
  • Dr. Hafiz Javed ur Rehman lecturer Department of English, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar



The China–Pakistan Economic Corridor also known as CPEC and North South economic corridor) is an economic corridor comprising a  collection of projects currently under construction at a cost of $54 billion. CPEC aims to facilitate trade along an overland route that connects  Kashgar and Gwadar, through the construction of a network of highways,  railways, optical fiber and pipelines. Pakistani officials predict that the  project will result in the creation of upwards of 700,000 direct jobs  between 2015–2030, and add 2 to 2.5 percentage points to the country's  annual economic growth.1 Were all the planned projects to be  implemented, the value of those projects would be equal to all foreign  direct investment in Pakistan since 1970, and would be equivalent to 17%  of Pakistan's 2015 gross domestic product Along with all the above  mentioned facts, which are being considered by everyone in the world,  there is a greater issue involved with the project. It the religious factor  involved with the people of China. Their religious creeds and social  attitudes and life style will surely have a greater impact on the people of  Pakistan but if we could effective counter the issue then we could perform  our duty of preaching of Islam. This is so much important and issue that  on it depends our success in the world hereafter and we will be held  answerable for this if we don’t perform this duty of preaching. In the  following lines and pages we will discuss strategies and ways of  preaching to non-Muslims.




How to Cite

Dr.Syed Naeem Badshah, & Dr. Hafiz Javed ur Rehman. (2016). CPEC and the duty of preaching and inviting people to Allah : CPEC and the duty of preaching and inviting people to Allah . Al-Azhār, 2(02), 1–20. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/384


