الأسلوب البلاغي في قصيدة أبي الفتح (دراسة تحليلية ونقدية)


  • Dr Ruqayya Akhtar Assistant professor in department of Islamic studies university of Ajk Muzaffarabad
  • Dr.Tahir Aslam Assistant pro institute of Islamic studies must ajk
  • Muhammad Ismail Rafiudin Albshami MPhil scholar in institute of Islamic studies must university ajk


rhetorical،, Abu Al-Fath Al-Bosti،, Abu Al-Fath Al-Bosti، alliteration, judgment


This research aims to reveal and analyze the rhetorical methods in the poem of Abu Al-Fath Al-Bosti. Types of alliteration, and his Noni poem includes rhetorical aspects such as proverbs and judgment, and linguistic improvements such as counterpoint, alliteration and others. And that he rarely mentions similes, metaphors, and metaphors of all kinds in his poem.

. I recently looked at the poem of the poet Abu Al-Fath Al-Basti, may God have mercy on him, and despite its shortness, it contained valuable judgment and gentleness. So I wanted to write about her rhetorical side. And God Almighty is the conciliator and upon him. This explanation, I found that the author took care of its Arabic side, explained its strangeness, mentioned its meanings, and explained it from the contemporaries, Sheikh Abdul Razzaq bin Abdul Mohsen Al-Badr. “Educational contents in the nunya of Abi Al-Fath Al-Basti” in which he spoke about the educational aspect of the poem, and he suggested at the end of his research to include the poem or some of its verses with rhetorical analysis, so he fulfilled his desire and spoke about the rhetorical aspect of the poem.




How to Cite

Dr Ruqayya Akhtar, Dr.Tahir Aslam, & Muhammad Ismail Rafiudin Albshami. (2022). الأسلوب البلاغي في قصيدة أبي الفتح (دراسة تحليلية ونقدية). Al-Azhār, 8(01), 245–257. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/361


