History of Contagious Diseases Outbreaks during Early Muslim Empire: Understanding the Impact of Islamic Principles


  • Dr Musferah Mehfooz
  • Dr Syed Naeem Badshah


                    Diseases, and especially contagious and epidemic diseases, have challenged man since ancient times. These epidemics provoked religious and social explanations, which have strongly influenced the attitudes and behavior of the community toward the disease and deeply shaped human history. This study would briefly survey the history of pandemics in the early Muslim empire and would also highlight that how the Islam has responded to pandemics and how the Holy Prophet (pbuh), has guided his companions for their safety from the harmonious effects of the outbreaks of contagious diseases and by adopting the suggested parameters they could have preserved the more humane and scientific approach toward contagious diseases. The article would devote its efforts to examine those Islamic Principles that have reshaped the Muslim societies towards developing an approach for contagious diseases and are still in its original form are applicable after a long period to respond to the epidemic outbreak.   Furthermore, the methodology applied in this study is a critical analysis based on inductive and deductive approaches. The conclusion arrived in the article is that application of Islamic principles are highly applicable and effective to response the contagious diseases outbreak by individuals and societies in this the world which has been turned into Strife-Torn World.




How to Cite

Mehfooz , D. M. ., & Badshah, D. S. N. . (2021). History of Contagious Diseases Outbreaks during Early Muslim Empire: Understanding the Impact of Islamic Principles. Al-Azhār, 6(1). Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/33


