Understanding the Impact of Health Service Quality on Patient’s Satisfaction: An Islamic Perspective


  • Dr. Khalil al-Rahman
  • Dr. Syed Naeem Badshah
  • Dr. Ashfaq Ali


Many studies have investigated the interplay between the quality of health services and patient’s satisfaction however very little or no evidence is available regarding the issue from an Islamic perspective in Pakistan. This study was planned to explore how the quality of health services affect the level of patient’s satisfaction while using Islamic perspective. For this purpose, patient’s satisfaction was taken as independent variable and health service quality was selected as dependent variable. Health service quality was operationalized with six aspects including technical service quality, communication, interpersonal aspect, time spent aspect, financial and accessibility aspect. Data was collected from 258 randomly and conveniently selected patients in Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad of Pakistan through questionnaire with three point Likert type scale ranging as 1=agree, 2=uncertain, 3=disagree. Data was analysed through frequency and percentage distribution at uni-variate level while regression analysis and correlation was performed at bi-variate level. Regression test that patient’s satisfaction was found positively associated with all the constituent variables such as technical quality, communication, interpersonal, time spent, financial and accessibility aspects. Correlation analysis suggests that all the selected aspects of health services were positively and significantly correlated with one another. It is concluded from the study that patients were found highly satisfied with available health services in the hospital. Moreover, patient’s satisfaction is positively and significantly attributed to the high quality within hospital.




How to Cite

al-Rahman, D. K. ., Badshah, D. S. N. ., & Ali, D. A. . (2021). Understanding the Impact of Health Service Quality on Patient’s Satisfaction: An Islamic Perspective. Al-Azhār, 6(1). Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/29


