الحنین والغرابۃ فی شعر الصحابۃ رضی اللہ المھاجرین

The Homesickness and Strangeness in the Poetry of Companians of the Prohet (Peace be upon him


  • Dr. Mufti Muhammad Saleem Research Officer, Department of Arabic, G.C. University, Faisalabad.
  • Dr. Tabassum Kulsoom Assisstent Professor, FUUAST, Karachi.
  • Dr. Abdul Razzaq Shahzad Silavi Assisstent Professor, Education Department of Sindh.


language, expression, richness, vocabulary, artistic


The article language was at its peak in expression, richness, vocabulary, artistic and petic value during the lifetime of the Prophet (Peace be upon him). The Arabic language achieved its peak in expression and literature during this time. Arabs took great pride in their language nd in articulate and accurate speech, it was one of the main essentials for social prominence. This Research article “The homesickness and strangeness in the poetry of Companians of the Prohet (Peace be upon him)’’ is aimed to present the poetic excellence of the Companians and the trends adopted by them. A through analysis is made of the research bring about an assertion that the poetry of the Companians of the Prohet (Peace be upon him) introduced new trends in poetry such as the (homesickness and strangeness in their poetry). From various perspectives, this research study has proved that the poetry of the Companians of the Prohet (Peace be upon him) has great significance in the Arabic literature, especially in poetry




How to Cite

Dr. Mufti Muhammad Saleem, Dr. Tabassum Kulsoom, & Dr. Abdul Razzaq Shahzad Silavi. (2021). الحنین والغرابۃ فی شعر الصحابۃ رضی اللہ المھاجرین: The Homesickness and Strangeness in the Poetry of Companians of the Prohet (Peace be upon him. Al-Azhār, 7(02), 471–484. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/270


