تہذیب انسانی میں معاشرتی آداب اور اسلامی تعلیمات

Social etiquette and Islamic teachings in human civilization


  • Dr.Razia Shabana Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  • Dr.Fayyaz Ahmad Farooq Assistant Professor,INSTITUTE OF SOUTHERN PUNJAB
  • Afifa Rashid Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies women university Mardan


Literature, the purposes of literature, the manifestations of etiquette, Islamic civilization


Man's social life is a mirror of his civilization & culture and from this civilized life, man is identified. Morality and literature is such a context whose importance in human life cannot be denied and these morals and etiquette have become the main axis of human life. Literature and manners, dignity and decency, directness and purity, high morals and eloquent humility & humility and self-sacrifice, etc. are all basic features of Islamic civilization. These are the characteristics of Islamic life that create an extraordinary attraction in human life from which not only Muslims but also non-Muslims are attracted That is why social etiquette is defined with these aims of polite discourse, love, respect for humanity, humility and self-sacrifice. Manners in a person's social life are in fact his identity. This article examines in detail the social etiquette and its manifestation, including conversation, greeting, regard, smile and desserts. These are the basic etiquettes that become the hallmark of human civilization and social life. These are the Islamic principles and etiquette that distinguish Islamic civilization from other civilizations




How to Cite

Dr.Razia Shabana, Dr.Fayyaz Ahmad Farooq, & Afifa Rashid. (2021). تہذیب انسانی میں معاشرتی آداب اور اسلامی تعلیمات: Social etiquette and Islamic teachings in human civilization. Al-Azhār, 7(02), 47–66. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/249


