قرآن و سنت ،اور فقہاء کی آراہ کی روشنی میں قوانین وقف
The Waqf laws in the light of Quran o Sunnah and Islamic Scholars
Waqf, Rules and Regulations, Waqf laws, controversial, Ulema.Abstract
Waqf is basically a charity work. islam guide us to help needy people. Waqf means dedicate their money to hospitals, shrines,needy and poor peoples and other pious work for the sake of islam and welfare of a humanity ,that s why ulema set rules for the waqf properties. In this article the rules and regulations of waqf have been discussed in the light of quran o sunnah and ulema. There is controversial thoughts of ulema about waqf also have been mentioned in this article to explain waqf laws.

How to Cite
Rafi, memoona. (2021). قرآن و سنت ،اور فقہاء کی آراہ کی روشنی میں قوانین وقف: The Waqf laws in the light of Quran o Sunnah and Islamic Scholars . Al-Azhār, 7(01), 383–397. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/217