الترجيحات في إعراب المجرور عند أبي السعود في تفسيره "إرشاد العقل السليم إلى مزايا القرآن الكريم" (دراسة نحوية تحليلية)

Preferences of Genitive Cases for Abu – Saud in his Tafsir (A Syntactic Analytical Study)


  • Abdul Wahab Ph. D Scholar,Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Arabic , International Islamic University, Islamabad
  • Dr. Muhammad Zubair Abbasi Assistant professor Faculty of Arabic in IIU,Islamabad.


(Raf, رفع Nasb, نصب Jurr جرّ ), Abu Saud, other grammarians.


Imam Abu- Saud was a reknown Muslim scholar and academician of Utmani khalaphat. He provided his services in the vast and dynamic areas of Islamic sciences. He was received as a well-known scholar in the Arab world in particular and the Non-Arab world in general. He was regarded as an authentic and reliable Interpreter (Mufassir ) of the Holy Quran. His Tafsir contained the sciences areas of the Holy Quran. So, this study concentrates exclusively on prepositions which preceded nouns and turned them into prepositional objects. So, this study determines the case endings of these prepositional objects. Similarly, the opinions of other grammarians have also been discussed, but the opinions of Abu Saud have been given more importance. So the case-endings (Raf’, Nasab and Jurr) as preferred by him have been depicted in detail.





How to Cite

Abdul Wahab, & Dr. Muhammad Zubair Abbasi. (2022). الترجيحات في إعراب المجرور عند أبي السعود في تفسيره "إرشاد العقل السليم إلى مزايا القرآن الكريم" (دراسة نحوية تحليلية): Preferences of Genitive Cases for Abu – Saud in his Tafsir (A Syntactic Analytical Study). Al-Azhār, 8(02), 16–32. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/200


