Health Security Threats of VBDs in KP, and Islamic Concept of Cleanliness: Case Study of Dengue and Zika Viruses


  • Amir Ullah Assistant Professor & Research Coordinator, Department of Political Science, Islamia College, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
  • Syed Naeem Badshah Chairperson Department of Islamic Studies The University of Agriculture Peshawar


vector-borne،, Afghanistan،, protects،, Disease


The global health security community is serious about the health security of human beings across the world. Disease in modern globalized world has no frontiers. The vector-borne diseases are serious health security threats to human beings and animals alike in South Asia generally and in Pakistan and Afghanistan particularly. The recent repatriation of Afghan citizens from Pakistan to Afghanistan will pose severe health security threats to the dwellers of Afghanistan due to poor health sector and on-going war on terror in Afghanistan and poor health governance provided they are not immunized against various diseases. Islam is the religion of cleanliness which protects its believers against all diseases including vector-borne diseases.




How to Cite

Amir Ullah, & Badshah, S. N. (2017). Health Security Threats of VBDs in KP, and Islamic Concept of Cleanliness: Case Study of Dengue and Zika Viruses. Al-Azhār, 3(02), 13–37. Retrieved from


