تعارض قرائن ترجیح اور أئمہ علل كا اسلوب "امام أبو حاتم كی آراء كا اختصاصی مطالعہ

Paradoxes in the preferred proofs and the methodology of the scholars of rationale: A critical study of the opinions of Imam Abu Hatim


  • Abdul Qadir Assistant Professor (Visiting) IIU Islamabad
  • Muhammad Imran Assistant Professor ,Shaykh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Peshawar


Hadith Sciences, Elal Hadith, weighting clues, chain of transmission


Elal Hadith is a very complex and important subject of the Hadith Sciences, in which the issues of deficiencies in the texts and the chain of narrators are usually discussed.
To get rid of these differences, the Scholars have introduced some weighting clues, in the light of which one side is preferred in case of differences.
Usually there is a conflict among the scholars in the weighting clues, due to which sometimes one scholar seems to prefer one chain of transmission while the other scholar seems to prefer another chain of transmission of the same Hadith.
In this study, the same weighting clues of the scholars has been discussed and a special study of the views of Imam Abu Hatim has been presented in which he has contradicted the views of other Imams in weighting/ giving preference in the form of disagreements in texts and chains of transmissions and a different transmission is preferred.




How to Cite

Abdul Qadir, & Muhammad Imran. (2021). تعارض قرائن ترجیح اور أئمہ علل كا اسلوب "امام أبو حاتم كی آراء كا اختصاصی مطالعہ: Paradoxes in the preferred proofs and the methodology of the scholars of rationale: A critical study of the opinions of Imam Abu Hatim. Al-Azhār, 7(01), 78–93. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/12


