<p>Al-Azhār having ISSN No (2519-6707) is the trilingual (English, Urdu, Arabic) biannual research journal of Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar which publishes papers in the field of Islamic Studies and Arabic having the features of creativeness and enquiry; however, it encourages the papers dealing with the Socio-Religious issues.</p> (Dr. Syed Naeem Badshah) (Dr. Syed Naeem Badshah)Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000OJSمولانا عطاء الله ڈيرویؒ کی غیر مطبوع تالیفات کا تحقیقی تعارف اور اسلوبیاتی مطالعہ
<p>The land of Dera Ghazi Khan is scientifically (knowledge-wise) a fertile land. From here, many unique scholars have come to the fore. Some of them lived in anonymity all their lives and quietly engaged in the work of writing and compiling. Maulana Ataullah Dervi is one of the anonymous scholars. He was born in 1947 and died in 2020 at the age of seventy-three years. He lived in the United Arab Emirates for thirty years as an imam and preacher. After returning home in 2008, he established a grand Library next to his Mosque named "Maktaba Derviah". In this Library, there is a rich collection of basic Shariah sources. Maulana Ataullah Dervi was blessed by Allah Almighty with the blessing of pen and paper. He wrote on various topics and compiled more or less twenty-six books and magazines. He also translated two Arabic books in Urdu format and later compiled commentaries on them. Out of these compilations, only ten have been printed. Among these books, there are also magazines written on different topics besides beliefs, and jurisprudential issues. In this research article, the research introduction and style of his unpublished compilations of his works have been presented.</p>Hafiz Abdul Rehman Madni , Dr Hafiz Jamshed Akhtar , Mr. Muhammad Nazeer
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000آزاد کشمیر میں اردو حمدیہ ا و رنعتیہ شاعری میں تخلیقی تنوع: ایک مطالعہ
<p> The poets of Azad Kashmir seem to be full of colors. In their hymns, the feelings and sentiments of devotion and love are seen in almost all the usual forms. It is included in Azad Nazm, Qasida, Qata, Ruba'i, Haiku, and other forms. The poets of Azad Jammu and Kashmir have also presented gifts of devotion. They have earned rewards by narrating the topics of Hamdia and Natia in different creative manners like hymns, naat, poems, ghazal, sonnets, etc. The poets of Azad Kashmir have showered affection and devotion on almost all the popular forms. This creative expression of theirs is admirable. Praise and Naat in different forms indicate the artistic zeal of the creative journey. They have adopted a unique style of speech, so it can be termed as the lands of the great Urdu poets. In some places they have spoken in the style of the present and others they have adopted the style of Iqbal; giving an important place in poetry. Poets have created poems with artistic maturity and elegance by using all the poetic resources with beautiful words in different ways, which are reflected in their hymns.</p>Dr.Muhammad Yousaf , Dr.Ambreen Khawja , Syed saqib Ali kazmi
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000حکمۃ التشریع وفلسفتہ کی روشنی میں صوم وصلوۃ کی حکمتیں:ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ
<p>The chosen topic of research under review in the article is the wisdom of fasting and prayer as discussed in Sheikh Ali Ahmad Al-Jarjawi's book, "Hikmatal-Tashri' wa Falsafatuhu" (The Rulings of Legislation and Its Philosophy). In this book, the author has elaborated extensively on the secrets and rulings of religious commands with great detail and clarity. Alongside the explanation of numerous regulations concerning acts of worship, such as fasting and prayer, their wisdom has been elucidated. As Muslims, we adhere to the divine commands revealed by Allah. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that every injunction of the Shariah is imbued with wisdom. If we make an effort to understand these wisdoms, we realize that the Creator's commands are filled with wisdom. The article delves into the specific study of this book, aiming to explore the pearls of wisdom articulated by Sheikh Ali Ahmad Al-Jarjawi regarding religious injunctions and examining the work done by other scholars in this field. The research in this article adopts an analytical approach, maintaining impartiality and avoiding any personal biases or inclinations.</p>Dr. Farhat Naseem Alvi , Abdul Satar , Hafiza Rida Tufail
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 تفسیرکے لغوی معانی، اصطلاحی مفہوم اوراقسام تفسیر
<p>The Holy Quran is the word of Allah. Which is the most reliable word<strong>.</strong> The Holy Quran is the light of guidance for all mankind. Allah is the Wise, He has revealed orders for the welfare and success of His servants. Most of the orders in the Holy Quran have been revealed by Allah Almighty in their entirety. Some of the orders have been further elaborated and interpreted by Allah Himself in the Holy Quran, Similarly, the blessed life and good life of the Prophet are also the interpretation of the Holy Quran, because Allah Almighty has sent him as the interpreter of the Holy Quran, The interpretation of the Holy Quran and the understanding of the Quran as a chain started from the time of the Prophet, The time of the Companions(Sahaba kiram), the followers (Tabiaeen)and the followers of followers(Taba Tabeaeen) was the time of good times, These people have done a lot of service to the Holy Quran and made the understanding of the Quran easy for the entire Ummah. The Holy Quran is a miracle book. The mysteries and secrets and new charms of the Holy Quran are appearing day by day and will continue to be. Until now, this process of interpretation and understanding of the Holy Quran continues and will continue until the Resurrection(Qiyamat). The person is very lucky who keeps his relationship with the Holy Quran. Like other most important debates, this is also an important debate that the literal meaning of Tafsir, the definition of Tafsir in the term of religious scholars and people of Islam and the types of Tafsir. My PhD thesis is related to Tafsir. That is why I have chosen this discussion as a research topic.</p>Kalimullah ; Dr.Muhammad Ismail
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000فتاویٰ اہل حدیث از حافظ عبداللہ محدث روپڑی کی علمی و عملی زندگی کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
<p>Hafiz Abdullah Ropri is counted among the great scholars of the Indian subcontinent in the 14th century Hijri. He gained fame as a Quranic interpreter, contemporary scholar, mujtahid of his time, eminent teacher, and a renowned Islamic jurist. Due to his knowledge of Hadith and services related to Hadith, he is remembered as the scholar Ropri. Hafiz Abdullah Ropri himself was a diligent scholar who had a deep understanding of Sharia issues. He wanted to keep the door of ijtihad open for Muslims so that they could face all challenges with ease and guide the ummah for the future. However, for a mujtahid, it is essential to have complete access to the Quran, Hadith, Arabic grammar, principles of interpretation, and principles of jurisprudence. Hafiz Abdullah Ropri's expertise in Islamic sciences is rooted in thorough research, a profound understanding of the sources of Sharia, and awareness of the opinions of early scholars.</p>Hafiz Abdullah , Muhammad shahab , Abdulllah
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000شاہ ولی اللہ کی سماجی فکر اور معاصرپائیدار ترقی کے تناظر میں دیہی اقتصادیات کی ترقی و تنظیم نو : ایک علمی اور معروضی جائزہ
<p> The present paper introduces Shah Wali-Allah Dehlawi’s concept of the stages of socio-economic development (al-artifact). According to him, starting from simple primitive village life to an international community, the socio-economic development of human society can be divided into four stages. The first stage is dominated by simple economic struggle while the last stage is developed to maintain just political order on an international level, to safeguard the socio-economic interests of different states, and establish peace and justice among them. All economic ideas of Shah Wali-Allah are related, in some way or the other, to his concept of irtifaqat or stages of socio-economic development. Sustainable development meets present needs without compromising the future. It requires holistic, systems-thinking about environmental, social, and economic limitations. Governments must lead the sustainability transition through policy, incentives, and investment. But we all have a role through our individual choices and actions. By working together to rethink and transform how we live and produce, we can build an equitable society that thrives within planetary boundaries. The time to act is now.</p> <p> </p>Abdul Waheed Khan, Dr. Muqadusullah
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000مختلف فیہ رواۃکی مرویات کا حکم علمِ جرح وتعدیل کی روشنی میں
<p> In accepting or rejecting a hadith, examining its Sanad (chain of transmission) is fundamental. Since the Sanad relies on narrators, a student of hadith must understand their ranks according to Jarh & Taadil (narrator criticism and evaluation). Knowing the ranks of controversial narrators is particularly delicate and challenging due to differences of opinion among the imams of Jarh & Taadil. These conflicts of opinions can arise for various reasons, and understanding them is crucial before passing judgment on a controversial narrator. Additionally, recognizing evidence of preference among conflicting opinions is vital.</p> <p>By analyzing the opinions of the imams of Jarh & Taadil on certain controversial narrators, the following insights emerged:</p> <ul> <li>Reconciliation or prioritization of conflicting opinions through evidence would be attempted.</li> <li>A controversial narrator's narration may be considered hassan li-zatihi (good in itself) under certain conditions, as mentioned by Ibn-ul-Qattan al-Fasi, Ibn-ul-Salah, and Imam al-Dhahabi, among others.</li> <li>The weakness of controversial narrators often stems from memory issues. However, if a narration is corroborated by multiple paths (tadaddud Asnad), it may reach the rank of sahih li-ghayrihi (authentic due to supporting narrations).</li> <li>If a controversial narrator is subjected to explained criticism (jarh mufassir), their narration is generally considered weak (daif).</li> </ul>Haq Nawaz
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000بيان خطإ شعبة في حديث "التأمين" دراسة حديثية نقدية
<p>In congregational prayers, there has been a longstanding debate among Islamic scholars since the golden age of Islam regarding whether "Ameen" should be recited aloud (jahran) or silently (sirr) after reciting Surah Al-Fatiha. Each group presents strong arguments from the Qur'an and Sunnah to support their position, making it challenging to prefer one opinion over the other. Some hadiths are cited by both sides to substantiate their views, yet their authenticity is questioned based on the principles of hadith criticism. This discussion revolves around such a hadith narrated by Wa'il bin Hujr. There is a disagreement between Imam Shu'bah and Imam Sufyan al-Thawri concerning the chain of narration (isnad) and the text (matn) of this hadith. Imam Shu'bah reports that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said "Ameen" silently after reciting Surah Al-Fatiha, while Imam al-Thawri claims that the Prophet ﷺ said "Ameen" aloud. After examining the evidences and scholarly opinions, researchers have concluded that Imam Shu'bah's narration is weaker, as he made errors in both the chain of narration and the text of the hadith. In congregational prayers, there has been a longstanding debate among Islamic scholars since the golden age of Islam regarding whether "Ameen" should be recited aloud (jahran) or silently (sirr) after reciting Surah Al-Fatiha. Each group presents strong arguments from the Qur'an and Sunnah to support their position, making it challenging to prefer one opinion over the other. Some hadiths are cited by both sides to substantiate their views, yet their authenticity is questioned based on the principles of hadith criticism. This discussion revolves around such a hadith narrated by Wa'il bin Hujr. There is a disagreement between Imam Shu'bah and Imam Sufyan al-Thawri concerning the chain of narration (isnad) and the text (matn) of this hadith. Imam Shu'bah reports that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said "Ameen" silently after reciting Surah Al-Fatiha, while Imam al-Thawri claims that the Prophet ﷺ said "Ameen" aloud. After examining the evidences and scholarly opinions, researchers have concluded that Imam Shu'bah's narration is weaker, as he made errors in both the chain of narration and the text of the hadith.</p>Dr. Noor Ur Rehman Hazarvi, Dr. Muhammad Imran, Dr. Habib Ullah Hasan Zai
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000صعوبات الدعوة الدينية المعاصرة، وإستتراتيجيتها المؤثرة
<p>Dawah (دعوة) is the duty of prophets and messengers of Allah who are ambassadors of his Lord. It is the job of the heirs of the prophets and is the best among all good deeds after faith. The consequences of Dawah appear in society in the form of correction of false beliefs, unity of Muslims, removal of various forms of polytheism, realization of truth and falsehood, enjoining good and forbidding evil as well as jihad for the sake of Allah to remove the obstacles in the path of Allah. It is self-evident that every virtuous cause faces multiple obstacles which try to mitigate them. Similarly, the process of Dawah in the contemporary age is facing various types of complications due to socio-political and economic advancement around the world. These problems differ from one country to strength and weakness, as well as manifestations and methods of treatment. However, the most common obstacles include mockery of the da'i when calling to Allah Almighty, ignorance, illiteracy, deviant sects, accusations and stabbings, affliction and tribulations, sectarian fanaticism, jurisprudential disputes, Islam phobia, economic problems, lack of suitable environment in which the da'wa grows, and the failure to provide a decent life for the contemporary data concerning others. This research paper will address these obstacles and will provide solutions in the light of the holy Quran wa sunnah.<a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1"></a></p>Dr.Khlil Ur Rehmaan, Inam ur Rehaman, Abbas Khan
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000بيان خطإ أبي إسحاق السبيعي في حديث الجنب ينام ولا يمسّ ماءً دراسة حديثية نقدية
<p>This study examines the question of whether Prophet Muhammad ﷺ would perform ablution (wudu) before sleeping after engaging in marital relations or if he would sleep without performing ablution. This topic is based on a hadith narrated by Umm al-Mu'minin Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) and reported by Imam Aswad bin Yazid. Imam Aswad bin Yazid's three students - his son Abdul Rahman, his nephew Ibrahim bin Yazid al-Nakha'i, and Imam Abu Ishaq al-Sabi'i - narrated this hadith. According to Imam Abu Ishaq al-Sabi'i, the Prophet ﷺ would sleep without touching water (i.e., without performing ablution). In contrast, both Abdul Rahman bin Aswad and Ibrahim al-Nakha'i narrated that the Prophet ﷺ would perform ablution before sleeping after marital relations. This study investigates which of these narrations is correct and which is incorrect, considering various evidences and other narrations.</p> Dr. Noor Ur Rehman Hazarvi, Dr. Muhammad Imran, Dr. Muhammad Inaamul Haque
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000دور الرهبان البوذيين في الإبادة الجماعية للروهينجا (دراسة تحليلية)
<div class="flex max-w-full flex-col flex-grow"> <div class="min-h-[20px] text-message flex w-full flex-col items-end gap-2 whitespace-pre-wrap break-words [.text-message+&]:mt-5 overflow-x-auto" dir="auto" data-message-author-role="assistant" data-message-id="b089b148-3fd5-4810-bec8-5b59b3fcbfac"> <div class="flex w-full flex-col gap-1 empty:hidden first:pt-[3px]"> <div class="markdown prose w-full break-words dark:prose-invert light"> <p>This research paper explores the role of Buddhist monks and the Tatmadaw in the genocide of the Rohingya in Myanmar. Rohingya children, youth, the elderly, and women have been facing horrific and unreasonable inhumane conditions at the hands of the Buddhist majority and the Tatmadaw for decades. Organized measures are being carried out against the Rohingya, such as massacres, physical and psychological torture, and religious and cultural exploitation, to eradicate the ethnic and cultural identity of the Rohingya Muslims. In fact, the Rohingya are victims of the crime of genocide. Genocide was declared an international crime in the United Nations Convention on Genocide in 1948. The Rohingya genocide is taking place in Rakhine State (formerly Arakan) in Myanmar.</p> <p>Unfortunately, the international community is not making any serious practical attempts to prevent violations of international law regarding genocide. Therefore, the situation of the Rohingya is worsening day by day in Myanmar. One hundred and thirty-five national ethnic groups were identified in the 1982 Citizenship Law in Myanmar, but the name Rohingya was deliberately omitted from this list. Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, presented the philosophy of peace, harmony, and non-violence. However, it is surprising that some extremist Buddhist monks in Myanmar openly violate the moral values of their religion under the government's and Tatmadaw's umbrella. The Rohingya are forced to migrate to other countries. In fact, some Buddhist monks have been openly violating international genocide laws and Buddhist religious teachings for decades.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div>Dr. Farhat Naseem Alvi
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000أدب الطفل الإسلامي
<p><em>Islamic children’s literature plays an important and effective role in raising generations on Islamic principles and ethics, as it seeks to build the child’s personality on a solid foundation of great morals. It derives its teachings and upbringing from several sources, the most important of which are the Noble Qur’an and the Noble Prophet’s Hadith, so that the latter two contributed to building a society dominated by a group Of values and ideals, these ideals were formulated by Islamic law to achieve religious and educational goals, in addition to other educational teachings followed by the impact left by some scholars and specialists in this literary art. </em></p> <p><em>Therefore, I will try to address in this article the most important sources from which children’s literature begins, to serve as a support for it through religious texts related to the Holy Qur’an, the Noble Hadith, and good influences.</em></p>Misbah Nasir , Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abuzar Khalil
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000Human Development by Examining Its Indicators in Afghanistan
<p> </p> <p>Human development is defined as the expansion of people's opportunities and the improvement of their well-being, including longer life expectancy and living in a healthy society. The human development index is based on three key variables: life expectancy at birth, education measured by adult literacy and years of schooling, and standard of living measured by per capita income. These indicators are used to assess the human development status of countries. In 2019, Afghanistan's human development index was 0.511, ranking 169th out of 189 countries in the United Nations' annual report.</p>Jawid Rahil, Fatehullah Ahady
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000The Interaction of the Islamic Emirate with Legislative Documents and the Legal System in Afghanistan
<p>This article, titled “The Interaction of the Islamic Emirate with Legislative Documents and the Legal System in Afghanistan,” explores the practical and significant issue of the Islamic Emirate’s engagement with legislative documents and the legal framework. Notably, the absence of a well-defined legal system in Afghanistan and the manner in which the Islamic Emirate interacts with legal norms are central themes examined in this study. A critical observation made within the article highlights the lack of due reverence for the legal system in Afghanistan, emphasizing its implications and consequences.</p> <p>This article addresses pressing societal needs by meticulously examining the legal landscape. Through rigorous analysis and comparison of the Republic and Emirate eras in Afghanistan, the study evaluates the efficacy of globally acknowledged legal components. Specifically, the focus is on addressing the persistent challenges of legal instability and inadequate engagement with legal norms. The research culminates in clear and pragmatic recommendations, underscoring the practical effectiveness of the proposed solutions.</p>Abubakr Mudaqiq , Nooraqa Shoaib , Abdurrahman Hasankhil
<p>Antigone, a Greek fictional character appears in the writings of Hegel as a genuine example of womanhood instead of a factual woman. Focusing on this theme, this article exhibits that the attributes/ role of Antigone qualify(ies) her to take priority over factual women, whenever Hegel mentions women in a particular sense. Her name is brought up in Hegel’s works on politics, phenomenology, and poetry highlighting the experience of her struggle, self-identity, and tragedy, therefore, the structure of the article follows correspondingly, locating her in the various sections of these works: Antigone is attributed as the symbol of “family piety” in politics, as a “sister” in phenomenology and as she honors the attributes of “family piety” and “sister-brother relation”, the “tragic resolution” of her role is staged as suicide/ fate in poetry. After exhibiting Antigone’s character in Hegel’s works, this article concludes its significance by addressing the question: Why a Greek fictional character instead of a factual woman is Hegel’s particular example of womanhood? </p> <p> </p>S.Shehzad Noor , Dr Samina
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000The First Phase of Constitutionalism in Afghanistan
<p>Constitutionalism first started in the West, especially in the UK (Great Charter), the United States of America, and then in France. The first constitution in the world was adopted in the United States in 1789 and then in France in 1791, later on, the process expanded to the rest of Europe and later to Asia and Africa. While Afghanistan tried to exercise the phenomena in the second half of the 19<sup>th</sup> century, British aggression stopped the process. In 1903 some teachers of Habibya High School established a constitutional movement. They started a struggle with the government to adopt a constitution for the country, unfortunately, the movement was dismissed when its key members were killed by Amir Habibullah in 1906.</p> <p>This paper talks about the history and meaning of constitutionalism, the constitutional movement, and its various groups, goals, and some internal & external reasons that motivated and accelerated the movement in Afghanistan. The findings of this article show that, despite of severe situation in the country, various internal and external obstacles in the way of constitutional movement, and a lot of sacrifices, the constitutional movement’s members, finally changed the situation and the tree of constitutionalism gave fruit and Afghanistan got independence and exercised constitution for the first time.</p>Mohammad Hamed Musleh, Ataulhaq Anas, Samiullah Danishyar
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000Portrayal of Religious Harmoney AMINA’S VOICE by Henna Khan
<p><a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1"></a></p> <p><a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1"></a></p> <p><a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1"></a></p> <p>Religious identity as portrayed in the Western media and in the media of US is paradoxical and Muslims living there are much worried because of it. On the one end peaceful and progressive identity is presented in the media by showing them worshiping peacefully and participating in social activities on a large scale. On the other hand, bearded Muslims are being presented as barbaric, uncivilized and inhumane. The few involved in criminal activities are presented as representatives of all the Muslims. Media do not bifurcate between the criminal segments of the society and peaceful and true followers of the religion. There must be some clear-cut bifurcation, which is very unfortunately missing. This paradox of identity portrayal is worrying Muslims and non-Muslim across the globe(Saeed, 2002). Both Muslims and non-Muslims find it difficult to assert the exact identity and the type of religious people.</p> <p><em>Amina’s Voice</em> is a novel written by Hena Khan. It takes place almost exclusively in the United States, and focuses primarily on people whose families have left their previous national cultures and moved permanently to the United States. The major theme of the novel is religious harmony and religious identity maintained in a very peaceful atmosphere. In this novel there is a message for human beings across the globe that one can and one should maintain his/ her identity and religious identity in particular but not at the cost of others. The novel dramatizes how this goal might be achieved through interfaith harmony and by respecting each other.</p> <p> </p>Dr. Hafiz Javed ur Rehman , Dr. Athar Farooq, Aminullah
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000The Process of Democratization and Role of Opposition Parties in Pakistan (2013-2018)
<p> </p> <p><strong> </strong><em>Pakistan, after its creation, has witnessed many hurdles in establishment of democracy.</em><em> Although the opposition parties tried their level best to strengthen democracy but the hybrid democratic rule and direct military rule has hampered the process of democratization in the country. It is evident that the military rule in Pakistan is driven by political motives i.e., to seize political power and disrupt political development. Significantly, democracy faced a blow by the unconstitutional and undemocratic actions of the non-political forces for political control. Despite all these challenges the opposition has had its crucial role in the restoration of the democracy. It’s their effort which has prevented the complete elimination and subversion of democracy in Pakistan. The democratic transition in Pakistan took place in 2008 election resulting in a peaceful transition of power to the elected representative. This situation paved the way for a better and more reliable democratic system in the country. It was for the first time that the opposition and government emerged on the same page. Consensus politics between the two major political parties feared the deep state, which in return disturbed their partnership by backing a third political party and religious groups and judiciary as non- political oppositions</em>. <em>The paper examines the role of opposition parties in the democratization process in the said particular period in a chronological way and highlighting the constructive and destructive approach of the two important entities inside and outside the parliament. </em></p>Khial Ghani , Dr. Noor Ul Amin
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000Depiction of Muslims’ Identity in The Blind Man’s Garden with Special Focus on Mikal
<p>September 11, 2001, is a dark day in the modern history of Muslims because they were projected as terrorists and extremists soon after the violent attacks in the United States on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the US military headquarters. These events catalyzed violence around the world by both nation-states and non-state actors. These events have been widely interpreted as pivoting on issues related to religious identities. Subsequently, several novels have been published that have given attention to these identities. A number of which have been produced by writers particularly associated with Pakistan, the world’s fifth most populous nation. The present article provides a dramatistic analysis of the personae created in <em>The Blind Man’s Garden</em> to highlight the ways in which contemporary fiction depict specific kind of images about Muslim identity. It also studied how this novel constitutes assumptions about Muslim identity. Mostly, this novel portrays violent Muslim identity. After reading this novel one can feel the absence of representations of peaceful, devout, pragmatic Muslims within Pakistan. It showed how, regardless of the ways in which the motivations of characters are portrayed, Islam is associated with violence through scenic means, even though the representations of violence portrayed in these religious scenes typically violate Islamic doctrine and the history of the true followers of Islam.</p>Dr. Hafiz Javed ur Rehman , Dr. Athar Farooq, Muhammad shahab
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000A Critical Analysis of the Description of Pashtuns in Elphinstone’s Book “An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul”
<p>This article presents a critical analysis of Mountstuart Elphinstone’s seminal work, <em>An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul</em> (1815), which is regarded as one of the earliest and most comprehensive colonial accounts of the Pashtuns, referred to as Afghans throughout the text. Elphinstone’s observations cover various aspects of Pashtun life, including the characteristics of different Pashtun tribes, their language and literature, folklore, and the sociocultural practices that define Pashtunwali, such as hospitality, shelter, and the code of revenge. His detailed descriptions extend to the customs surrounding Pashtun betrothal and marriage, birth and funeral ceremonies, and the traditional attire of Pashtun men and women, with a particular focus on the socioeconomic conditions of Pashtun women during the early 19th century. However, Elphinstone’s portrayal is deeply embedded within the frameworks of colonialism and orientalism, raising critical questions about the accuracy and objectivity of his depictions. This article argues that while Elphinstone’s account provides valuable insights into Pashtun culture, it is often marred by biases, stereotypes, and the colonial agenda of his time. By critically examining his descriptions, this study seeks to uncover the complexities of Pashtun identity as depicted in colonial literature and calls for a more nuanced and inclusive understanding of Pashtun history. In doing so, it emphasizes the need for contemporary scholars to engage with a diverse range of perspectives to challenge prevailing narratives and contribute to a more accurate representation of Pashtun heritage.</p> <p><strong>Key Words</strong>: Afghans, Pashtuns, Pashtunwali, Hospitality, Revenge, Elphinstone</p>Kiran Nazir, Muhammad Ali Dinakhel
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000Chitral-Shandoor /Baroghal Pass: Karakoram Highway and Central Asian Republics Human / Physical Connectivity
<p><em>The Baroghil pass connects the Northwestern District, Upper Chitral of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with Afghan Wakhan, a narrow strip, that separates Pakistan from Tajikistan and connects Afghanistan with China.</em> A<em>lmost a thousand years ago the nomadic pastoral Turkic tribes from the Central Asian steppes began migrating westwards to Anatolia and towards Wakhan in the southeast. Around ten million pastoral nomadic people, mostly Turkic-speaking Muslims including Kirghiz, Kazakh, Turkmen, Uzbek, Karakalpak, Bashkir, Nogai, Karachai, and others, inhabited large expanses of the arid and semi-arid steppes of Turan/Central Asia. Migration, in modern times, culminated in the arrival of a small number of Turkic Central Asians to Anatolia marking the end of a significant historical process. Turkey, because of her historic, ethnolinguistic, and cultural ties to the peoples of Central Asia, has traditionally offered refuge to the Turkic peoples displaced by the Russian and Chinese Communist revolutions. Haji Rahman Qul, the Kirghiz request for immigration to Turkeyia, received an especially favorable review when their plight was brought to the attention of General Kenan Evren, the president of Turkey, during his 1981 official visit to Pakistan. The Kirghiz community, along with nearly 3,000 other Afghan refugees of Turkic origin, was accepted for resettlement in Turkey. The arrangements for their transfer were made remarkably quickly and the Kirghiz were airlifted on August 3, 1982, to Adana. Political situations/borders at times created hurdles and on other occasions accelerated human migration/connectivity. The paper assesses the correlation between human/physical migration/ connectivity. </em></p>Dr. Noor Ul Amin
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000DISMANTLING OF THE NAP GOVERNMENT: A CRITICAL REVIEW
<p>The removal of NAP (National Awami Party) government in Baluchistan in February 1973 marked a significant milestone in Pakistan’s political arena. It highlighted the strained relations between the central government and Baluchistan, particularly the conflict between Prime Minster Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and the then NAP leadership. Key causes of the dismissal included, the London Plan allegation, the Coast Guard operation, tribal conflicts and the alleged discovery of Iraqi arms cache. The after math saw violent reactions from Baluch nationalists leading to the formation of Baluch people’s Liberation Front and heightened political tensions across Pakistan. The dismissal also strained Pakistan’s relations with Afghanistan. Overall, this event had far reaching consequences for Pakistan’s political stability and regional diplomacy.</p>FARZANA GUL TAJ , MUHAMMAD DANIYAL KHAN
Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Azhār, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000