علم اللغة وتفسير الكشاف للزمخشري وتفسير المحرر الوجيز لابن عطية دراسة مقارنة بين منهجهما (في التصريف والإعراب والبلاغة والاستشهاد بالشعر) من خلال سورة العنكبوت

The Science of Linguistics in al-Kasshaf by Zamakhshri & al-Muharrar al-Wajiz by Ibn-Atiyya A comparative study of their mothodgly (in the science of Tasreef, Ai'rab, Bla'ghah & citation by poetry) in the light of Surah al-'Ankabout


  • Muhammad UmarFarooq Ph.D.Schalor in Tafsir & Quranic Sciences, International Islamic University Islamabad.
  • Shakeel Ahmad Lecturer Department of Arabic,Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad


linguistics, noble Qur'an, interpretation, Zamakhshri, al-Kashaf


Arabic linguistics is an important science for the interpretation of the noble Qur'an and also upon an exegete to have complete command on the language of the noble Qur'an and its grammar. Otherwise the lack of this capacity may lead him to mistakes in interpretation, because the meaning of the Qur'an is determined by the language of the Qur'an, and the linguistics style and its grammar. Therefore, this science is considered as one of the basic sciences for the interpretation of the holy Qur'an. Imam Zamakhshri is one of the most famous interpreters of the Qur'an who utilized this science in the determination of the meanings of the verses of Qur'an in his Tafseer "al-Kashaf ". Among his contemporaries we find another scholar Ibn-Atiya who gave more importance to this science by adopting a similar style in his Tafseer al-Muharrar al-wajiz. In this article we have tried to present a comparative study on the basis of the science of linguistics between these two exegetes in the light of Surha Al-ankaboot, where we shall limit ourselves to to the sciences of Tasreef, Ai'rab, Bla'ghah and citation by poetry.




How to Cite

Muhammad UmarFarooq, & Shakeel Ahmad. (2021). علم اللغة وتفسير الكشاف للزمخشري وتفسير المحرر الوجيز لابن عطية دراسة مقارنة بين منهجهما (في التصريف والإعراب والبلاغة والاستشهاد بالشعر) من خلال سورة العنكبوت: The Science of Linguistics in al-Kasshaf by Zamakhshri & al-Muharrar al-Wajiz by Ibn-Atiyya A comparative study of their mothodgly (in the science of Tasreef, Ai’rab, Bla’ghah & citation by poetry) in the light of Surah al-’Ankabout. Al-Azhār, 7(01), 260–278. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/59


