المناهج الخاصة المتعلقة بأسانيد صحيح البخاري
Special approaches related to references of Sahih Bukhari
Sahih Bukhari, third chapter, pendosations, suspended, repetitionAbstract
Sahih Bukhari is the most famous hadith book, because of the great effort sought by Imam Bukhari in his writing and collection for sixteen years, in which he traveled thousands of miles from one country to another, and the result of his effort to produce this book did not return to the correct talk excluded from the weak.
Therefore, it is worth explaining the special approaches and methods related to the references mentioned in "Sahih Bukhari",The research paper includes introduction, three chapters and conclousion.
1-The first chepter on a brief profile of Imam Bukhari: (His name, lineage and family, his birth, greybeard and his teachers, his disciples, his scientific status, his praise of the scholars, his death, and
2- second chapter on a brief profile of his book Sahih Al-Bukhari (the book's tampon, the motivation for his composition, the number of hadiths, his order, the praise of scholars on it, His novels, the most important of his cracks.
3- the third chapter: the special approaches related to the references mentioned by Imam Bukhari in his book (his approach to the precaution, the conditions he set in the correct methods, his method of correct speech, his method of correct hadiths, his method of pendosations and messages, his approach to the suspended effects, his method of repetition)