باىزىد انصارى كے صوفىانہ افكار اور ان كى تحرىكِ روشنىہ : اىك تحقىقى وتجزىاتى مطالعہ

Bayazid Ansari's Mystical Thoughts and Roshanites movement: A Research and Analytical Study


  • Dr- Zainab Amin Assistant Professor,Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University, LARAMA, Charsadda Road, Peshawar
  • Inam ur Rehman M.Phil Research Scholar University of Peshawar
  • Zishan Ahmad PhD Scholar in Qurtuba University of Science&Information Technology peshawer


Bayazid Ansari's Mystical Thoughts and Roshanites movement: A Research and Analytical Study


In the mid-16th century, Bayazid Ansari started a unique movement of Roshanites the border land of Afghanistan. The nature of the movement was directly influenced by the personality of Bayazid Ansari. He was considered a mysterious figure in Pakhtun history in terms of his religious thought and practice. Initially his struggle was to find Pir Kamil but he failed, but later, he himself declared Pir Roshan or Pir Kamil. He established a mystical commandment for the purpose of enlightening the people from the traditional way of thinking. Bayazid Ansari presented his ideas on a land where people were divided into tribes and lived according to their tribal customs and traditions. Many tribes came under the influence of Bayazid and declared him Pir Roshan but the majority of the opponents was Pakhtun tribes who were under the influence of Pir Baba and Akhund Darweza. They considered Bayazid to be a Pir Tariq because they considered Bayazid's teaching and preaching to be unlawful. The following article analyzes the main reasons why Bayazid Ansari and his followers called themselves Pir Roshan and their opponents called them Pir Tariq. And along with mystical thought, it was also the political, social and religious thought of the sixteenth century. What were the effects of Bayazid's mystical thought? And what was the purpose of the Enlightenment movement?




How to Cite

Dr- Zainab Amin, Inam ur Rehman, & Zishan Ahmad. (2021). باىزىد انصارى كے صوفىانہ افكار اور ان كى تحرىكِ روشنىہ : اىك تحقىقى وتجزىاتى مطالعہ : Bayazid Ansari’s Mystical Thoughts and Roshanites movement: A Research and Analytical Study . Al-Azhār, 7(01), 137–157. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/54


