اسلامی بینکوں میں رائج اجارے پر بعض اعترا ضات کا جائزہ

Review on some of the observations about Ijara practicing in Islamic Banking


  • Dr.Muhammad Aziz lecturer,Department of Islamic Theology ,Islamia Collage University Peshawar
  • Maaz Aziz M.Phil scholar, Dept. of Islamic Theology, ICU Peshawar


Ijara, employer,employee,


When we claim that Islam is a complete code of life we mean that it covers all the
fields and walks of life. It not only covers rituals and worships but also deals and guides
human beings in economics, politics, education, military related issues what not and what
not. So, this is what the specialty of Islam. In finance, Islam has very clear cut and vivid
views about financial matters. It has different mode of finance and it forbids certain other
modes of finance. Whereas, the encouraged modes of permitted modes of finance in Islam
are concerned, Ijara is one of them. Ijara is an Islamic financial contract and a mode of
finance today. Islamic banks depends on murabaha and Ijara and try to fulfill all the
conditions of Ijara under the supervision of great scholars round the country .However
according to the jurisprudical aspects there are some issues which have been observed by
some scholars .Many of contracts in Ijara have been observed on technical grounds .The
concept of this article is to review on some of those observations which have been raised on
Ijara contract which is being practice in Islamic banks.
This review is based on reality and will discuss the technical aspect of this contract in the
light of fiqqa . Todays finalcial system has reached to the peak and is totally different from
the past decades .If we look to the modern business by islamic point of view we have to think
in a border sense .




How to Cite

Dr.Muhammad Aziz, & Maaz Aziz. (2015). اسلامی بینکوں میں رائج اجارے پر بعض اعترا ضات کا جائزہ : Review on some of the observations about Ijara practicing in Islamic Banking . Al-Azhār, 1(2.2), 217–230. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/533