خطبات کا تاریخی پس منظر

Historical Background of Oral Sermons( Khutbat)


  • Azizullah Lecturer UET, Peshawar
  • Dr.Muhammad Aziz lecturer,Department of Islamic Theology ,Islamia Collage University Peshawar


It is an undisputed fact that sermons have been the oldest and the most effective source of changing the mind and thinking of human beings. They have largely been considered as the main motivation behind constructive or destructive thoughts in human society. Thinkers of different parameters have used them for propagating their ideas. It is safe to assert that a speaker who knows the art of communication is the great asset of the nation who can play a pivotal role in launching positive thinking in his/her nation. Human psyche has been found highly vulnerable to the effects of words and sounds produced through speeches. Speeches have also been instrumental in sorting out middle paths between conflicting thoughts at different time and place in human history.

This paper attempts to analyze different kinds of sermons in Arabia. It also elaborates their significance and the context which activated their emergence and the correspondent deliverance. The sermons chosen for the current study have the shades of ethnicity and pride in them. The study makes a mention of the last sermon of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and also discusses the sermons of other prophets mentioned in the Holy Quran. The study concludes with various principles of eloquence derived from these sermons.



How to Cite

Azizullah, & Dr.Muhammad Aziz. (2016). خطبات کا تاریخی پس منظر: Historical Background of Oral Sermons( Khutbat). Al-Azhār, 2(01), 39–54. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/532


