حفظان صحت کے اصول قرآن و سنت کی روشنی میں

Protection and Importance of Health in Islam


  • Azizullah Lecturer UET, Peshawar
  • Dr.Muhammad Aziz lecturer,Department of Islamic Theology ,Islamia Collage University Peshawar


Health is a great blessing of Allah. Its due care and soundness
can ensure the success of human in this word as well as in the
world hereafter. In case of poor health, human can neither
perform their important duties nor can they prove good citizen.
They, as useless entities, remain burden on the society.
This paper looks at the principles of sound health in the light of
thdee holy Quran and Sunnah. It spotlights the fact that fact that
only through the teachings of Islam we can intify the principles
of good health and its protection. Moreoever, it explains that
Islam is the only religion which emphasize due protection and
significance of health.




How to Cite

Azizullah, & Dr.Muhammad Aziz. (2016). حفظان صحت کے اصول قرآن و سنت کی روشنی میں : Protection and Importance of Health in Islam . Al-Azhār, 2(02), 69–75. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/531


