Historical perspective of rise and fall of Islamic Rule in Central Asia


  • Sajid Hussain PhD Scholar and visiting faculty in department of Political Science Hazara University Mansehra.
  • Dr. Akbar Ali Assistant Professor Department of English, Hazra University, Mansehr


Central Asia, Islam, Dynasty, Turk


The Muslims advance in Central Asia after the death of the holy prophet Mohammad (PBUH). The Saracens Crossed the river Oxus, overrun the near east and Sassanian Empire, killing Yazdigard III in Marv in 651. Qutaiba was sent to Central Asia by Abdul Malik the son of the Caliph Walid. Samarkand, Tashkent, Bulkh, Farghana and Bukhara valley was under the sway of Islam by him. The princes of these valleys surrendered and agreed to pay honor to Caliph. Muslim rule spread in the region up to 1500 but Russian thrown out Islamic rule up to 1717. Objective of this research is to highlight rise and fall of Islamic rule in Central Asia. To achieve the objective analytical and descriptive methodology is used. This research concluded that Islam came to the region in 651 which is still alive in the region.




How to Cite

Sajid Hussain, & Dr. Akbar Ali. (2016). Historical perspective of rise and fall of Islamic Rule in Central Asia. Al-Azhār, 2(02), 21–33. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/510


