Right To Freedom of Speech, Personal Security, & Issue of Blasphemy as a Non-Traditional Security Threat: From Western Perspective


  • Mr. Sana Ullah  A Graduate of BS Political Science from Department of Political Science, Islamia College
  • Dr. Amir Ullah Khan Assistant Professor at Department of Political Science, Islamia College,


Freedom of speech and personal freedom are natural and
constitutional rights of every citizen in a society. However,
the interpretation of these rights is varied from society to
society according to their respective socio-cultural,
politico-constitutional, and religious milieu. Human beings
are confronted with paradox of blasphemy and freedom of
speech. This issue has divided into western society into two
schools of thought – Contextualists and NonContextualists. The misinterpretation of blasphemy and
right to expression of opinion has created great stir in the
circle of scholars at different periods. This led the state to
introduce stringent laws to restrict freedom of speech
against the state. This resulted in the persecution of
prominent scholars and other people. If this existing nontraditional security is kept un-noticed then it will definitely
lead to anarchical situation in any society. This will
radicalise the society based on mutual intolerance. There is
need to take serious notice of this prevailing paradox of the
right to freedom to expression, issue of blasphemy, and
personal security of the common people in the world.





How to Cite

Mr.SanaUllah , & Dr. Amir Ullah Khan. (2017). Right To Freedom of Speech, Personal Security, & Issue of Blasphemy as a Non-Traditional Security Threat: From Western Perspective. Al-Azhār, 3(02), 75–94. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/465


