لقطہ کے بارے میں  فقہاء کی آراء کا تقا بلی جائزہ

A comparative analysis of the views of the jurists related to Luqta


  • Dr. Atiq Ullah Lecturer Islamic Studies, SBBU Sheringal, Dir Upper
  • Dr. Zia Ur Rehman Lecturer Islamic Studies, SBBU Sheringal, Dir Upper
  • Dr. Muhammad Zakariya Lecturer Islamic Studies, AWKUM, Mardan


Luqta, lost thing, rules for lying thing, publicity of lying thing





If someone finds something lost, it is called Luqta and is not right to pick it up for himself. If there is a risk that if he does not pick it up, someone else will take it and the person who owns it will not get it, then it is obligatory to pick it up and deliver it to the owner. When someone picked up a lying thing, it became necessary for him to find the owner and show it to him. If there is no risk of being lost or there is a risk of being lost, both of them have the same ruling that after picking it up, it is obligatory to find the owner and deliver it to him, then it is not permissible for the finder to keep it for himself. He should publicize the found thing in gatherings of people and repeatedly announce that he has found an item and whoever this item  belongs to him should come and receive it, but in the announcement he should not mention the signs of the item, but rather say that he has found a jewel, a cloth or money. Tell the sign to whom it belongs. If someone tells the right sign, then he should be given it.





How to Cite

Dr. Atiq Ullah, Dr. Zia Ur Rehman, & Dr. Muhammad Zakariya. (2023). لقطہ کے بارے میں  فقہاء کی آراء کا تقا بلی جائزہ: A comparative analysis of the views of the jurists related to Luqta. Al-Azhār, 9(01), 242–254. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/460


