اسد محمد خان کی نظموں کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

Analytical Study of Asad Muhammad Khan’s Poems


  • Dr. Shahab ud Din Lecturer, Islamia College Peshawar
  • Dr. Taqwim ul Haq Lecturer, Islamia College Peshawar
  • Dr. Muhammad Sulaiman Lecturer, Islamia College Peshawar


Asad Muhammad Khan, Free Verse, Blank Verse, Poetry, Symbol,     Allegorical term,





Asad Muhammad Khan is one of the modern poets. The number of his poems and songs is not much, but well written. Like Ghalib, He chose selected poetry and received appreciation from critics. Along with different experiences of structure, the colorfulness of the themes brings him to the ranks of modern poets. He has created poems mostly in symbolic and allegorical terms. He paints every subject related to life in his own individual color. He utilized Free and Blank verse as a mean of expressing his feelings. Sooraj, Saagar, Aiman, Albatross, Harmony, Ghora, he experimented on every topic and made the best creations. Despite ‘Maut ki Nazmain’, he do not despair and wants to enjoy life to the fullest. His poems are very touching and charming in terms of their composition. Free verse is a great medium to express ideas and he proved it true through his poems. His poems proved to be a breath of fresh air in modern Urdu poetry. His poems will, always be remembered, for the uniqueness of his style.




How to Cite

Dr. Shahab ud Din, Dr. Taqwim ul Haq, & Dr. Muhammad Sulaiman. (2023). اسد محمد خان کی نظموں کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ: Analytical Study of Asad Muhammad Khan’s Poems. Al-Azhār, 9(01), 225–241. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/459


