عصر حاضر میں دعوت وتبلیغ کی ضرورت واہمیت اور اس کی راہ میں حائل رکاوٹیں:

The need and importance of da'wah and preaching in the present age and the obstacles in its way


  • Muhammad Rashid Lecturer, Islamic Studies, University of Baluchistan, Quetta
  • Dr shabir Ahmad Assistant professor islamic Studies Department BUITEMS Quetta
  • Ulfat Hussain Kharani Lecturer, Islamic Studies, Degree college Mustang, Balochistan


Keywords:  Qur'an ,Sunnah, styles of da'wah, preaching, great example, tolerant custodian, Truthful, beloved Rasool,


A study of the Qur'an reveals that there are three styles of da'wah

  1. Wisdom (speaking to the addressee according to his ability)
  2. Admonition
  3. Jadal Bala Hassan (talking to the opponent in a scientific manner and answering his arguments with arguments) Preaching of Deen is common inheritance of all prophets, and it is the duty of each and every Muslim to preach according to his/her capacities, in present age, there are following hurdles are common in preaching , such as, negligence of Muslim,  irresponsibility of ulmas, unawareness and ignorance of rulers and high authorities, and adoption of strangers standards are in top.                                                                                                   




How to Cite

Muhammad Rashid, Dr shabir Ahmad, & Ulfat Hussain. (2022). عصر حاضر میں دعوت وتبلیغ کی ضرورت واہمیت اور اس کی راہ میں حائل رکاوٹیں:: The need and importance of da’wah and preaching in the present age and the obstacles in its way. Al-Azhār, 9(01), 27–34. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/439


