نکاح کے متعلق مختلف مذاہبِ عالم کی تعلیمات کا ایک تحقیقی جائزہ

An exploratory review of the teachings of various world religions regarding marriage


  • Muhammad Abdul Haq Lecturer , Department of Islamic Studies, University of Malakand.
  • Prof .Dr Ataulrahman Dean Faculty of Arts & Humanities, University of Malakand.


interpersonal،, deny،, foundation،, society،, human


The interpersonal relationship between man and woman is a matter that no reasonable person can deny, because these two together lay the foundation of society and become the means of survival for the human race. The far most relation in human relations is marriage. Marriage has been found in different forms in different cultures and eras because in every civilized society of the world, unbridled sexual desire is considered as a defect. That is why marriage is necessary to make this relationship legal, because this is the only method that helps to fulfill the sexual desires in a better way. Considering the importance of marriage, every religion has prescribed a procedure for it and various teachings have been given to make this relationship better and better. In this article, we have made a research review of the teachings of different religions regarding marriage.



How to Cite

Muhammad Abdul Haq, & Prof .Dr Ataulrahman. (2023). نکاح کے متعلق مختلف مذاہبِ عالم کی تعلیمات کا ایک تحقیقی جائزہ: An exploratory review of the teachings of various world religions regarding marriage. Al-Azhār, 8(01). Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/426


