شواهد التشبيه وأسراره في سورة الرعد وإبراهيم (دراسة تحليلة بلاغية)

The evidences of the simile and its secrets in Surah Ar-Ra’d  and Ibrahim (Rhetorical and analytical study)


  • Muhammad Shuaib Abdulhaseeb Research scholar  Department of  Arabic U O P https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9117-9303
  • Dr Muhammad Zahir Shah Assistant  professor Department of  Arabic U O P


Evidence, Simile, Rhetoric, Quran, Surah Ar-Ra’d and Ibrahim.


No doubt that the Quran is a great miracle which consisting of rhetoric and analogy. Its Rhetorical sciences are all masterpieces tend to the souls, and feel comfortable, and it shows the creativity of the Creator and his wise will.  The great Arabic scholars and arrogant tries their best to show selfsame book in terms of eloquence and rhetoric but not success  to do so. So it was unique and miraculous in its style that the holy Quran has employed to explain the meaning that would help in the conveyance of the ideas to the concept of the reader. Therefore, the main purpose of the article is the studying and finding of analogy ,its various types and its secrets in Surah Ar-Ra’d and Ibrahim and the purpose that this simile is meant to be. The main reason which lead me to this study is to find out the Quran secrets. These subjects contributed in showing the splendor of eloquent metaphor in Quran and the great ability of God. The research includes introduction and definition of  linguistically and terminologically. The paper focused on the topic which deal the Simile from its real meaning and the greatest goal of the Quranic analogies. The research includes a conclusion and results that the researchers has reached.





How to Cite

Muhammad Shuaib Abdulhaseeb, & Dr Muhammad Zahir Shah. (2022). شواهد التشبيه وأسراره في سورة الرعد وإبراهيم (دراسة تحليلة بلاغية): The evidences of the simile and its secrets in Surah Ar-Ra’d  and Ibrahim (Rhetorical and analytical study). Al-Azhār, 8(02), 73–84. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/414


