مشكلة نحوية في ترجمة النثر الأردي إلى العربية دراسة نقدية 

Grammatical Glitch in the Translation of Urdu Text into Arabic   (A Critical Study(


  • Dr. Muhammad Zubair Abbasi Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Arabic International Islamic University Islamabad
  • Dr. Muhammad Ayoub Al Rasheedi Assistant Professor, Center for Teaching of Arabic to Non-Native Speakers, Faculty of Arabic International Islamic University Islamabad
  • Dr. Habib Nawaz HOD, Department of Pakistani Languages, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad


Translation, style, Problem, Urdu, Arabic





Translation in itself is an expanded arena. If we perceive it in the context of multy languages, it becomes more illustrious, eminent and noteable for numerous things. Every language in the world has different forms of functions; each function has diverse levels of styles. While shifting one meaning from one language into another language, many tools start working spontaneously. These tools that had incorporated into both source and target languages occasionally unable to convey all meanings and sometimes these two languages are incapable to receive each other at certain levels. The capability and incapability mostly come through grammatical glitch that is the major reason of the translation problem. In this paper, this issue is exemplified through a piercing analysis of the two languages, Urdu and Arabic.






How to Cite

Dr. Muhammad Zubair Abbasi, Dr. Muhammad Ayoub Al Rasheedi, & Dr. Habib Nawaz. (2022). مشكلة نحوية في ترجمة النثر الأردي إلى العربية دراسة نقدية : Grammatical Glitch in the Translation of Urdu Text into Arabic   (A Critical Study(. Al-Azhār, 8(02), 85–111. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/410


