ڈاکٹر سید شیر علی شاہ مدنیؒ کی تفسیری خدمات

Services of Dr. Syed Sher Ali Shah Madani’s in the field of Tafsīr


  • Yasir Aziz M.Phil Research Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Agriculture University Peshawar
  • Dr.Syed Naeem Badshah Chairman Agriculture University Peshawar



Molana Dr. Shaykh Syed Sher Ali Shah was one of the followers  of Hazart Shah Waliullah (R.H) Dr. Syed Sher Ali Shah was a  PhD from Madinah University, his well known teachers were  Molana Shaykh Abdul Haq, Molana Ahmad Ali Lahori (R.H),  Hazrat Abdullah Darkhwasti and Molana Hussain Ali. These  teachers taught him in such a way that enhanced his mental  evolution. Well Shaykh Sher Ali Shah manifest and tried his level  best and respecting back these honorable teachers being their  obedient and loyal students. In personal life, despite hard times  Sher Ali Shah did every possible effort to have perfect Islamic  social life and never hesitated in showing and giving any sacrifice  to have Islamic rule and regulation over the entire society. Even  he participated in jihad for sake of it. Due to this act of his, he is  not only considered a great scholar and mujahid in Pakistan and  Afghanistan but he is respected and considered as a great person  for Islamic education globally. He was great and intelligent in  tafsīr, hadīth and Arabic literature. He prepared a huge and  countless number of strong minded students to serve Islam.  Shaykh was true lover of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H)  and was a great mujahid who tried to launch Shari’ah  Muhammadia for entire humanity.




How to Cite

Yasir Aziz, & Dr.Syed Naeem Badshah. (2016). ڈاکٹر سید شیر علی شاہ مدنیؒ کی تفسیری خدمات: Services of Dr. Syed Sher Ali Shah Madani’s in the field of Tafsīr. Al-Azhār, 2(02), 76–96. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/383


