The stages and kinds of calling and inviting to good In the light of Quran and Sunnah

The stages and kinds of calling and inviting to good In the light of Quran and Sunnah


  • Dr.Syed Naeem Badshah Associate Professor, The University of Agriculture KPK, Pakistan
  • Dr. Ishfaq Ali Assistant Professor, Islamia College, Peshawar


Ummath, Kurta, kufar, Sahalwar, Qamis.



Ruling of religion which have reached us are of two kinds. One type of rules is those which are revealed along with certain form and shape. And the requirement of sharia is also to maintain those shapes and no other shape than that, such rulings are called eglweusis or ruling that are bound with shape. Examples of these are prayer, fasting, paying alms and hajj etc. All the relevant rulings regarding them are narrated from the Prophet is in detail and light has been thrown on each aspect of them. Second types of rulings are those which do not have specific shape and form. They lead to certain directions and point which in fact what is the requirement of these rulings. Due to many benefits their particular shapes are not fixed. So that during every age their ultimate target can be easily achieved. Examples of these are fighting for the cause of Allah, preaching, teaching and learning etc. These actions though are required by their shapes are not fixed. They are left out for the Ummath of 

Muhammad it to perform according to their case. For example in case of dressing and eating it has been left for them to dress themselves in whatever they want to but it should be such that covers the body is above the ............. , should not express pride and should not be made up of forbidden things like silk is for males. Now there is no particular shape of dressing is specified. Whether one wants to wear Sahalwar, Qamis or Kurta etc. There is much ease in this freedom .The same is the case in preaching and inviting to Allah. The aim is to invite to Allah whether it is oral, written, individual or collective and open or secret invitation



How to Cite

Dr.Syed Naeem Badshah, & Dr. Ishfaq Ali. (2015). The stages and kinds of calling and inviting to good In the light of Quran and Sunnah : The stages and kinds of calling and inviting to good In the light of Quran and Sunnah . Al-Azhār, 1(02), 29–46. Retrieved from


