دلالة لفظة (الإنسان) بين الفاعلية والمفعولية في القرآن الكريم
Meaning of (Human) as a Subject and an Object in the Holy Quran
Verbal sentences: جملة فعلية Subjectivity:الفاعلية Objectivity:المفعولية Semantics: علم الدلالة Psychology: علم النفس Creator: خالقAbstract
Humans are capable of abstract knowledge and possess a rich language, reasoning and complex problem-solving abilities, creativity and capacity for innovation, and specific forms of social life.
This article aims to clearly specify the role of human being as a responsible person, in relation to other person and other societies as described by the Holy Quran, which depicts the essence of human kind, or what it means to be a (Human).
How to Cite
Dr. Aliya Akram, & Dr. Zaheer Ahmad. (2022). دلالة لفظة (الإنسان) بين الفاعلية والمفعولية في القرآن الكريم : Meaning of (Human) as a Subject and an Object in the Holy Quran. Al-Azhār, 8(01), 190–209. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/358