احمد بن مصطفیٰ المراغی کے تفسیر " تفسیرالمراغی" کےاسالیب ومناہج کاتجزیاتی مطالعہ

An Analytical Study of the Style of Ahmad Bin Mustafa Al-Maraghi in Tafseer Al- Maraghi


  • Jamshed Iqbal PhD Scholar Department of Islamic Studies in University of Science and Technology Bannu
  • Dr. Muhammad Fakharud Din Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies and Research, University of Science and Technology Bannu.


Tafser, Style, Ahmad Bin Mustafa  Al-Maraghi


Mustafa Al-Maraghi,who is one of the Jamia Azhar scholars whose services of tafseer are prominent. Tafseer Almuraghi is manifestation of his services. His tafseer has many features and quailities. This tafseer is consists of 10 volumes. The style of tafseer is simple but attractive.

   The most radiant things in his style of tafseer are that: He bring some werses from the Holy Quran and translate the difficult wors and present the summary of the verses. Then he present the explanation of those verses under the topic of “Al-Edhah”. A major feature of which is that he mostly  interpret the Qur’an with hadiths. For this, there is a considerable collection of hadiths in his tafseer. He also brought  fiqh principals in the light of  Islamic jurisprudence. He also explain the verses with poetry and quotes from the past poets.  He also brings scientific theories for the explanation of verses where he consider it necessary. To bring references and quotations, he approaches the original sources and books of Islamic and Arabic Literature.   




How to Cite

Jamshed Iqbal, & Dr. Muhammad Fakharud Din. (2022). احمد بن مصطفیٰ المراغی کے تفسیر " تفسیرالمراغی" کےاسالیب ومناہج کاتجزیاتی مطالعہ: An Analytical Study of the Style of Ahmad Bin Mustafa Al-Maraghi in Tafseer Al- Maraghi . Al-Azhār, 8(01), 250–2676. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/357


