تخفیف غربت کے لئےاٹھائے گئے پاکستانی حکومت کے اقدامات کا جائزہ: اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشی میں

Poverty Alleviation Measurements,Taken by the Government of Pakistan: A Sharia Review


  • Sibghat Ullah PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies and Research, University of Science and Technology Bannu
  • Dr. Muhammad Fakhrud Din Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies and Research, University of Science and Technology Bannu


Government measurement,Islamic measurement,poverty,Allevation


Islam is a universal religion and it is a complete code of life. It contain

 teachings about every aspect of life. It has kept some people rich and some people poor. There is no society on earth where there are no rich and poor people. In the human world, some people will be rich and some people will be poor. Poverty will not be eradicated by force. The path of Islam is separate and distinct from both communism and capitalism. It mentions the rights of rich and poor alike. They also take steps but still poverty is increasing day by day and it is not decreasing. Pakistan is also a state on earth and poor people are also found in abundance in it. The government of Pakistan takes steps to eradicate poverty but still poverty is increasing day by day. The main reason is distance from Islamic economic system. This article mentions the steps taken by the Government of Pakistan and Islamic measures to alleviate poverty.




How to Cite

Sibghat Ullah, & Dr. Muhammad Fakhrud Din. (2022). تخفیف غربت کے لئےاٹھائے گئے پاکستانی حکومت کے اقدامات کا جائزہ: اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشی میں: Poverty Alleviation Measurements,Taken by the Government of Pakistan: A Sharia Review. Al-Azhār, 8(01), 211–222. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/348


