استقلال الاقتصادي للمرأة المسلمة بعد زواجها في نظرة الإسلام

The economic independence of a Muslim woman after her marriage in the view of Islam


  • Muhammad Hammad Ph. D Scholar Faculty of Usuluddin, Department of Dawa & Cultural, International Islamic University, Islamabad
  • Dr.Muneer Ahmed Head of department Islamic education Alhamd islamic University Islamabad
  • Dr. Aijaz Ali Khoso Assistant Professor, University of Sufism and Modern Sciences, Bhitshah, Sindh


women economics freedom, Islamic point of view, Quranic studies, Islamic History


The comparative analysis is very important for the understanding of both the holy Quran verses on guardianship and the status of women as it was tackled in Islamic gender and politico cultural circumstances under which the holy Quran verses came and permitted the husband to beat his disobedient wife.

Finally, this study will further deal with the phenomenon of modern interpretative Islamic feminism which has appeared among the world feminists who provided divergent interpretations for the holy Quran verses that permitted wife beating. They attempted to come out with a solution that presented a progressive interpretation of the holy Quran verses. Based on this solution, an attempt was made to legislate an Islamic law that denies, in an absolute manner, the occurrence of beating of women and wives. This came as an affirmation of the Asian Islamic identity versus western orientalist accusations that accuse the Islamic culture of having holly verses that verify women inferiority.

A strategic area of ​​work to advance women's economic and social rights is the creation of alliances between women's rights advocates and human rights advocates. In addition, it is important to support linkages between women's groups and other social movements working in the field of economic and social justice. The work on these rights must show a natural alliance with unions, farmers' organizations, groups working for media and cultural freedom, environmental rights groups, and groups working for the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples; However, bringing a gender perspective into the work of these disparate groups remains a major challenge. And working to promote and protect women's economic, social and cultural rights offers a unique opportunity to link them to civil and political rights defense strategies, challenges many existing assumptions about the role of women in society, and can lead to objective changes in unequal power relations between man and woman.






How to Cite

Muhammad Hammad, Dr.Muneer Ahmed, & Dr. Aijaz Ali Khoso. (2022). استقلال الاقتصادي للمرأة المسلمة بعد زواجها في نظرة الإسلام: The economic independence of a Muslim woman after her marriage in the view of Islam. Al-Azhār, 8(01), 91–114. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/326


