مفهوم "الأدب" وتطوره من العصر الجاهلي إلى العص ر الحديث دراسة تحليلية

The concept of literature and its development, from the ignorant period to present period; a research review


  • Dr.Sardar Ahmad Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Wafaqi Urdu University, Karachi
  • Dr.Khalil Ahmad Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, Wafaqi Urdu University, Karachi


essential،, literature،, ،psychology, anthropology


This research articles analyzes meaning of “literature” and its concept during
different ages of literature and literary movements. The articles focuses on
literary age called period of ignorance in literary history of Arabic literature
and it covers the discussion up to the present period. The current article
articulates that the word “Literature” has been used in different languages
according to different meanings, but this whole discussion has been done on
the literal meaning of the word “Literature”. The researcher has tried to study
different contextual meaning of the word “literature” with reference to
specific periods of time in literary history as the word “Literature” has a
special meaning with reference to “Asar e Jahali”. The researcher also has
tried to define different key meanings of literature during different literary
ages up till now. This is very important to understand that with the passage of
time and advancement of human society, people tented to include many things
under the umbrella term “literature”. This word encompassed different other
fields of study like sociology, psychology, anthropology and many other such
like fields. So, things which previously were not considered as literature now
tended to be considered as essential part of literature sometimes. So, it is easy
to understand that drastic changes occurred in the meaning of literature over
centuries and that many newer things were included in it.




How to Cite

Dr.Sardar Ahmad, & Dr.Khalil Ahmad. (2019). مفهوم "الأدب" وتطوره من العصر الجاهلي إلى العص ر الحديث دراسة تحليلية: The concept of literature and its development, from the ignorant period to present period; a research review. Al-Azhār, 5(02), 207–213. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/317


