واقعہ معراج کا ایک تفصیلی جائزہ اور اس سے متعلق وارد احادیث کا تحقیقی جائزہ

The Event of Miran and the research analysis of relevant traditions of the holy orophet


  • Dr Sabeen Altaf Phd Scholar, Department of Seerat Studies, University of Peshawar
  • Dr. Zaheer Ahmad Assistant Professor – In-Charge Department of Linguistics International Islamic University – Islamabad
  • Dr Nargis Lecturer Islamic Studies women university mardan


incredible, intense, commenced, divine


Shab-e-Mirag also known as Al Isra wal- Mirag and the night af Miraj.

These terms are used to portray one of the most miraculous experiences that Allah had bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad.

This incredible journey took place during a time when the Prophet()was facing intense hardship and pain his emotions were testead  with the passing of two of the most beloved people in his life it all started when Angel jibraeel (As) woke the prophet up and led him to a white beast named Buraq and commenced his journey to Masjid Al- Aqsa. During at all Isra-wal . Miraj jibraeel (As) stopped the Buraq and told our beloved Prophet () to pray at several places of emphasise the importance of visiting the places in which Allah   bestowed his bounties upon his pious people.

Finally arriving in Masjid Al-Aqsa the Prophet () was informed that the soul of every Prophet sent by Allah from the time of Adam to the time Isa was brought to pray behind him, so that they would come To know the Superiority, Prophet Muhammad.

During the second part of the Night of Miraj, Prophet Muhammad rose to the heavens with Jibraeel (AS) During the ascension, he met eight prophets in the seven heavens. They all welcom ópious prophet and pious brother. When prophet Muhammad Finally reached the highest level in the heavens, he was brought into the divine presence of Allah, alone at sidratul Muntaha a boundary beyond which none may pass here. Allah gave this Ummah the gift of compulsory Salah. In that Artical I am described the authentication and history of that all event.




How to Cite

Dr Sabeen Altaf, Dr. Zaheer Ahmad, & Dr Nargis. (2022). واقعہ معراج کا ایک تفصیلی جائزہ اور اس سے متعلق وارد احادیث کا تحقیقی جائزہ: The Event of Miran and the research analysis of relevant traditions of the holy orophet. Al-Azhār, 8(01), 268–280. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/313


