سیرت ابن ہشام کے اردو تراجم کاتحلیلی جائزہ

The logical Analysis of the Urdu Translations of Sirah Ibn E Hisham


  • Dr. Muhammad Rafiq lecturer department of sirah studies, AIOU Islamabad,
  • Dr. Sabeen Altaf PhD Scholr, Department of Seerat Studies, University Of Peshawar
  • Inam ur Rehman PhD Scholar, Department of Islamiyat, University of Peshawar


The personality of Muhammad (PBUH) is a versatile and conversational subject. Many thing come under its consideration. From one side it connected with the Holy Quran and the other side it is connected with the Saying of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him. On the other hand the life and personality can also analyze historically and socially. One’s cannot ignore His knowledge and excellences in each field of life. Many sides of the personality of Muhammad can be sought out for research study. The real problem is how to study the personality. We use the simple methodology to study personality of our Holy Prophet from his birth to departure to the next world; can be divided into two sections Madani and Makki for the study purposes as a historical study. But the historical approach is now a days a conservative perspective. The basic reasons is that what has been presented by Imam ibni Ishaq (RH) and Imam Ibni Hisham(RH) is being followed by the researchers. The first portion of the book Allama Shibli on the memoir and personality of Mihammad (PBHM) followed this pattern. The books published after this add many sides to the life of the Holy Prophet in the same pattern with historical narratives perspectives.

In this research artical many aspect of the personality of Holy has been discussed under consideration.




How to Cite

Dr. Muhammad Rafiq, Dr. Sabeen Altaf, & Inam ur Rehman. (2022). سیرت ابن ہشام کے اردو تراجم کاتحلیلی جائزہ: The logical Analysis of the Urdu Translations of Sirah Ibn E Hisham. Al-Azhār, 8(01), 31–39. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/312


