دراسة راويين في ضوء أقوال علماء الجرح والتعديل

A Study of Two Narrators in The Light of The Sayings of The Scholars of Al-Jarh and Al-Ta’deel,


  • Dr Muhammad Anwar Assistant Professor Govt College for Management Sciences Wari Dir Upper
  • Dr Muhammad Imran Assistant Professor, Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, Peshawar
  • Dr.Abdul Qadir Visiting) Assistant Professor, Faculty of sharia & Law, Department of Law (IIUI)


Hadith, Narrator, Narration, Al-Jarh wa Al-Ta'deel


This research has been written on the subject of discrediting and validating (Al-Jarh wa Al-Ta’deel,) of Narrators. which is a study of two famous weak narrators, in the light of the sayings of the scholars of Al-Jarh and Al-Ta’deel of all the three categories of critics i.e extremist, permissive, and moderates. Sayings of these scholars is collected and real positions of both narrators are itemized 

This study will contribute in the introduction of these two narrators and will help in understanding their real position and of their narrations.




How to Cite

Dr Muhammad Anwar, Dr Muhammad Imran, & Dr.Abdul Qadir. (2022). دراسة راويين في ضوء أقوال علماء الجرح والتعديل : A Study of Two Narrators in The Light of The Sayings of The Scholars of Al-Jarh and Al-Ta’deel, . Al-Azhār, 8(01), 1–8. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/307


