آزاد کشمیر میں اردو حمدیہ شاعری کی روایت : ایک مطالعہ

A study of the tradition of Urdu Hamdia poetry in Azad Kashmir


  • Dr.Mir Yousaf Mir Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffrabad
  • Sakeena Khawaja Principal,Govt Degree College Sharda Neelam AJK
  • Dr.Ambreen Khawja Assistant Professor, Department of Kashmir Study, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Muzaffarabad


Terms: Genre, Hymn, Systematic, Metaphors, Allusions, Similes, Reference


In the present research paper, the researcher explores the various aspects of Urdu Hamdia poetry titled as “Tradition of Urdu Hamdia Poetry in Azad Kashmir”.The quiet and flowery valley of Kashmir has always been an attraction for the saints and dervishes of all religions.   In the presence of these beautiful scenes, the poets of Azad Kashmir are eloquent in praise of Allah Almighty. The tradition of Urdu Hamdia poetry in Azad Kashmir is about three hundred years old.  In no way is it less, but in some respects it has seen deeper intellectual and artistic awareness and freshness. These poets have fully expressed their creative abilities in Urdu Hamdia poetry, so they will be remembered as a powerful voice.  The poets of Azad Kashmir have made the beauty of the creator of all scenes and Asma-e-Hasani the subject of their hymn poetry. Perfect belief in the Essence of the Almighty, the manifestation of His attributes and perfections, and the all-encompassing nature of nature are present in a polite and humble manner.All the attributes of Allah Almighty have been mentioned from various angles.  In addition to tradition, innovation and diversity can be seen in the subjects of Urdu Hamdia poetry. Urdu Hamdia poetry is an ancient genre of Urdu poetry. It is as old as Urdu poetry itself. From ancient poets to modern poets, Urdu praise poetry exists.  In the literature of Azad Kashmir, religion and themes related to religion, symbols, metaphors and similes, allusions and references are very much involved in the movement. However, there are some poets whose style of speech is a major reference to religion.  The entire collections of some of these poets are of a religious nature.  As time went on, various aspects of Urdu praise were developed and expressed in Azad Kashmir




How to Cite

Dr.Mir Yousaf Mir, Sakeena Khawaja, & Dr.Ambreen Khawja. (2022). آزاد کشمیر میں اردو حمدیہ شاعری کی روایت : ایک مطالعہ: A study of the tradition of Urdu Hamdia poetry in Azad Kashmir. Al-Azhār, 8(01), 40–59. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/303


