اسلام اورسزائے حبس

Islam and imprisonment


  • Abdul Jalil PhD Scholar ,, Department of Islamiyat, UOP
  • Dr.Mubarak Shah Associate Prfessor, Department of Islamiyat, University of Peshawar.


legitimate, crimes, punishment, Had, Qisas, Tazeer, Quran, Sunnah, consensus, criminals, imprisonment, collective interest.


Islam is a complete code of life. It provides widespread guidelines for human beings to live with peace and prosperity in this world and hereafter. It specified the legitimate talks and actions and crimes in a way that when someone performs a work in line with instructions of Islam, it is considered legitimate and he is rewarded according to his endeavors and if he takes a step against the directions of Islam, he becomes liable for punishment for his crime and evil deeds. Therefore, Islam declared a comprehensive system of sentences and penalties to prohibit evil talks and actions.

There are three types of punishment; Had, which is fixed by Allah and a human being/ruler has only the power of its issuance. Qisas is also the punishment like Had which is fixed by Allah about crimes regarding physical bodies of human beings while Tazeer is the penalty which is at the discretion of a ruler.Imprisonment is the penalty of Tazeer and a ruler can order about it according to the type of crime and criminal which is endorsed by Quran, Sunnah and the consensus of Ummah such as prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and caliphates ordered regarding it on different crimes like Samama bin Asal tied up with a pillar of Masjid-e-Nabwi and Hazrat Umar(RA) purchased a home from Safwan bin Umayya(RA) for four thousand dirhams and declared it a prison. Moreover, Hazrat Ali(RA) built special prisons for criminals named Nafi an Makhyas etc.The people are commonly imprisoned for two purposes according to the rules of Islam; One, to take him to prison so as to ascertain the reality of the blame which has been leveled against him and second is to propose this imprisonment as punishment for the personal reform of an individual and for the collective interest of the society. As a punishment, it has two types also; one is to imprison a criminal for a specific time and second is to order for a life time imprisonment which is finished on his repentance some time and more commonly on his death.So, it is verified that Islam not only allows imprisonment but it also provides the basic rules and regulations for it for the personal reform of individuals and also to keep the society safe and sound from crimes and criminals and to provide human beings with an environment where they can live with peace and prosperity.




How to Cite

Abdul Jalil, & Dr.Mubarak Shah. (2021). اسلام اورسزائے حبس: Islam and imprisonment. Al-Azhār, 7(02), 428–440. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/279


