قرآن کریم کی روشنی میں اصول تحقیق

Laws of Research in the Light of Quran Kareem


  • Dr. Irshadullah Theology Teacher Govt: Middle School No.1 Band kurai , D.I.Khan
  • Dr. Hafiz Abdul Majeed HOD, Department of Islamic Studies & Arabic, Gomal University D.I.Khan
  • Dr.Muhammad Fakhar ud din Lecturer. Deptt of Islamic Studies and Research. University of science and technology Bannu


Laws, Research, Holy Quran, Principles, Guidance


The Holy Quran is a complete and last book descended from Allah for guidance of human being. This book comprises the solution for problems in all departments of life. The Holy Quran is not only a collection of a few prayers and practices but it also encloses the lasting and everlasting achievements of this world and the life after death. Where the Quran has determined the paths and scales of guidance of human beings, it has also stated the laws and principles for living life. Laws of research has also been narrated among the laws and principles given by the Holy Quran. The Quran guides towards reality and describes comprehensive and solid principles regarding research. Allah says in the Holy Quran:“O you who have believed, if there comes to you a person with information, you must investigate it well”.To believe or tell news without researching is a great mistake which generates many more mistakes. Therefore the Holy Quran has prohibited the transmission without research and it has made it essential to reach the base of facts before taking an action. Moreover, the Quran advises to avoid haste, to consult the knowledgeable, and to reach authenticity of any news and information. "Research" means to know the reality, to investigate or to prove the fact. Human life is an abode of problems and matters. To solve these problems, one must investigate fully and amend the matters. In this essay I have tried to explain how the Quran guides about the laws of research.




How to Cite

Dr. Irshadullah, Dr. Hafiz Abdul Majeed, & Dr.Muhammad Fakhar ud din. (2021). قرآن کریم کی روشنی میں اصول تحقیق: Laws of Research in the Light of Quran Kareem. Al-Azhār, 7(02), 410–427. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/278


