قرآن ، تحریك استشراق اور انسائیكلوپیڈیا آف قرآن (برل) ؛ ایك تعارفی و تنقیدی مطالعہ


  • Dr. Muhammad Hammad Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, The Islamia University of Bhawalpur, Bhawalnagar Campus
  • Hafiz Ahmad Hammad Assistant Professor,Department ofDawah, IIUI


orientalism, encyclopedia, Quran, Brill


Orientalism is the name of western thinking, and its foundation is based on the ideology of racial division of east and west. A very common definition of Orientalism known as the involvement of noneastern people in the eastern languages, civilization, philosophy, literature and religion and to get themselves busy in its study.

 The definition of Orientalist according to latest Oxford Dictionary is also indicates that the orientalist is one who gets skill in the eastern literature and studies. Although Orientalism Movement is known as the educational movement, but it is not difficult to decide for the student of history of this movement that the actual purpose under which this movement was initiated was religious. Orientalism started as a religious and cultural movement searching in the Arab World to know about the Arab's religion, culture, history, and tradition. They tried hard to dig deeply in the Arab's religion through the Holy Quran, Sunnah, the history of the prophet’s life and his companions, and in the Arabic Language and any other details related to their culture. In their studies, they created many misconceptions regarding Quran. The objective of this article is to highlight this orientalism movemnt’s real objective by presenting their studies regarding religion especially regarding Quran and their misconceptions. It will also focus on an encyclopedia of Quran published by Brill, its introduction and some positive and negative aspects followed by some important results.





How to Cite

Dr. Muhammad Hammad, & Hafiz Ahmad Hammad. (2021). قرآن ، تحریك استشراق اور انسائیكلوپیڈیا آف قرآن (برل) ؛ ایك تعارفی و تنقیدی مطالعہ. Al-Azhār, 7(02), 394–409. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/275


