"صيغة (تفعّل) عند الصرفيين ومعانيها في القرآن الكريم"
Seeghat Tafaggul, its meaning: A Comparative Analysis of Quranic and Scholarly Opinions
Injunctions, Languages, Quran, Extracted, Explanations, Considerate, ConclusionAbstract
The article discusses “Seeghat Tafaggul” and its meaning in the light of Quranic injunctions. It compares the scholarly opinion about the proposed study and argues that they have been extracted from Quran can be linked to Quranic explanations which include:
Mutawagha, مطاوعة Al-takalluff, تكلف Al- ittekhaz, الاتخاذ Al –tajannub, التجنب Al-tadreej, التدريج Al-igh-naa, الإغناء Al-takseer, التكثير and Al-Mu wafaqah, الموافقة etc .
The school of thoughts which have been taken into considerate these words. The article also taken into confederation the saying of Mufasserin like Allama Zamhashri, Alama Baizavi ,Alama Abu-al Sauad, and Ibni Ashor in order to give a sound conclusion to the study of ''Seeghat tafaggul''.
How to Cite
Abdul Wahab, & Noor IsLam. (2021). "صيغة (تفعّل) عند الصرفيين ومعانيها في القرآن الكريم" : Seeghat Tafaggul, its meaning: A Comparative Analysis of Quranic and Scholarly Opinions. Al-Azhār, 7(02), 485–506. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/268